How do you feel about the spiritual successor to NiGHTS?

How do you feel about the spiritual successor to NiGHTS?

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Character animations look so damn stiff. Like when they start running, seems to take ages for them to get any momentum going.

>3D platforming


What's with Nintendo and sentient hats?

Same as when Xbox showed it. Looks way too low budget for a square title and soemthign feels missing.

Hats are cool

What the fuck is sega doing? Successors to some of their games are being released and if they do well, sega is fucked

Bump, anyone?

It's not sentient, it's a hat with eye-holes

Yes actually, I'll take a bump.


it's a SEGA game

It's Square Enix.

>you have to collect golden Balan trophies in order to progress, according to the new gameplay footage
This is a collectathon?

Attached: 2020-09-18 11_49_29-(168) Balan Wonderworld - Announcement Trailer - Nintendo Switch - YouTube.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Sounds like it

Loving it.
Very charming. Looks like a 6th gen game (in the good way)

had an uncanny Nights'ness about it

Woldn't be surprised if S-E gave naka a very low budget.

Game does look interesting, with varied mechanics. But I just saw it's UE4, and that performs horribly on Switch I M O, so my dreams were instantly dashed. Could be fun though

It's coming to eveything, not just Switch

Attached: Edn1ZcPXgAE-C3W.jpg (1920x1080, 1.53M)


Still interested, really want it to be good.

Attached: 1595525864400.png (1319x539, 177.6K)

I thought it was called Wonderland, not Wonderworld? They change the name?

Doesn't look like it shares anything other than maybe some whimsical aesthetic with NiGHTS.

In that case could be a sleeper hit
It was always Wonderworld, but people kept calling it Wonderland.

yes, I want it

you mean that flying game on the Saturn?
may have to check this out then.

Nothing wrong with that, contrary to what some dumb youtubers would like you to believe

art style very similar. Some parts of trailer reminded me of this Nights boss fight

This. It looks so weird. Like the animation stars scurrying but the model isn't moving at all. I think it's intentional but it makes me sick

It doesn't look like it plays like NiGHTS in any way, though. I dig the artstyle and character design, but the actual gameplay isn't what I'd ever want from a NiGHTS game.