- Would you like to add a tip for your game purchase?

- Would you like to add a tip for your game purchase?

How you respond to this?

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There are a couple restaurants in my area that are charging a mandatory 18% "fee" for take out orders.

Do no support these scams.

yes i'd love to give you my tip


No thank you

I don't, I'm not american.

Here’s a tip; get a real job, jackass.

Is tipping retail employees some sort of euro thing I'm too American to understand?

>How you respond to this?
tip my hat

Attached: sounds_good23.jpg (2530x3230, 643.62K)

tip my local police dept


>wagecuck all month for say 1000 copper
>irs takes 30% left with 700 copper
>buy something 20% taxes so only 560 coppers usable to buy stuff
>add mandatory tips 18%, only 459 coppers left
>add different mandatory insurances, social security, etc... and you're left with 200 coppers
mfw if blizzard did this no one would play their game anymore, yet it's acceptable in real life.

>went to US once
>got my hair cut
>hairdresser straight up asks for a tip
why is this shit so common in some places?

They even ask for tip when you leave in the airport, why is everyone asking for tips in the US? Are they poor?

i always give my barber a $5 tip because i only see him a few times a year and he's a funny guy who has an offensive sense of humor, like myself.

I live in Europe.

America was a big mistake.

No, egalitarianism was the mistake. The west [incl. America] were just the victim.

But most Western countries don't actually tip.

Attached: tipping.jpg (640x360, 33.91K)

i hate non whites, yes including muricans, so fucking much. these are all scummy jewish and nigger tactics. these never existed in true whitemans society.

but like, what does a barber sells if not his service?, i'm ok if the person cutting my hair is a funny guy but if i wanted to pay for someone's jokes i'd go to a standup show or some shit

Wagies literally cannot take tips or they'll be fired.

You need to try and think about something else other than Jewish nigger dicks you fucking schizo. You /ppl/ people are OBSESSED

sorry, im not circumcised, we keep our tips over here

Normally, there is no reason to tip. Employers must make up the difference between the total of your pay and tips to meet minimum wage. If the person goes above and beyond for you a tip is just a way to show you appreciate their extra effort. Tipping all the time is stupid.

>You can have more than just the tip babe
Also in the made my own slightly more annoying zone
>What would you like today?
>think out of nowhere "I want you on my italian footlong"
>have to leave while laughing my way out of the store like a tard
and thats why I have not set foot in subway for nearly 10 years.

If Gamestops were like the lingerie coffee shops in Washington state, maybe.

im a foreigner and went with some friends to a North Carolina restaurant near some lake, i can't recall the exact total due amount but most of us pulled a couple of bucks and left the table, outside when were were pulling out the car a bunch of dudes came out and started taking pictures of our plate, saying we were gonna get in trouble for drunk driving (none of us was drunk), in the end the whole problem was that we didn't tipped enough and the waitress complained to her friends, it was really strange desu, after that incident we always pulled out a calculator each time we went out

i don't know how it became a tradition, but i know he has to compete with chains like SportClips and Supercuts and i'd much rather go to him instead. you end up paying slightly more anytime you want to shop in an old school type of establishment.

In Germany you say you are going to tip before getting an order. It's weird.

Should have just not tipped anything. People often get more upset at a small tip than no tip at all.