Half-Life Alyx

Reminder that this will gety GOTY award at Dorito Pope awards and theres nothing you can do to stop it.

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No lol maybe if they had actually released half-life 3 it would

massive cope

Thanks to the ending, this is half life 3, well, more accurately Half Life 2: Episode 3.

It deserves it


>10 hours long shallow puzzle game +gallery shooter
played this shit with the no-VR mod. Anyone who pretends this game isn't just a slightly longer than average VR gimmick tech demo is delusional valve drone

>but it's the first full game for VR
Resident Evil 7 has been out since 3 years and it's a way better game both without and with VR

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>played this shit with the no-VR mod.
So you watched it on youtube. Opinion discarded

k, it was great. really enjoyed it.

It's a masterpiece


It's not even the best Valve game released this year. Or even the second-best.

>played this with the no-VR mod
opinion discarded

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let it be

it deserves it, 100%.
poorfags and flatties should shut their crusty fucking mouths.

don't you have some rocks to bash together?

the absolute cope of poorfags
i just placed an order for the hp reverb g2. just dont be poor lol. or get an oculus quest 2.

It is a fact. Valve released Dota Underlords and Artifact 2 this year, both of which are better.

>tfw Ep2 and Alyx's ending are occurring simultaneously due to Gman's shenanigans.
Alyx is goty and it's not even close.

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Good, it was really fun.

Please stop making threads about Half-Life: Alyx. Thanks.

Nothing came close, cyberpunk will be okay, but still a traditional game with many cut corners. They would show more of it if it was that good. HLA had 3 gameplay videos with no cuts or editing, and they even made custom levels just for that. And they weren't positive if it would sell well.

They confirmed it. Hope it's not 2D at this point.

>Ep2 and Alyx occurring simultaneously

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Last episode is the most kino thing i've ever seen in a video game and thanks to VR you actually feel like you are there

Gaming is all about immersing yourself into the virtual word, there is no more immersive experiance than HL:A and poorfags gonna cope so hard when this gets a GOTY

It wasn't even the best VR game this year.

its a great game.

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Better than TLOU2 snagging the sympathy vote.

>involves two Gordons
>the one at the end of EP2
>the other from the "no employment" timeline at the end of HL1

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I don't care about other VR games, but HLA mods. Can't wait for a moment when Source 2 will get SDK with multiplayer SDK.

okay? you think you're convincing anyone in this thread? you're just wasting your time worse than we are.