Captain Marvel star Brie Larson is in discussion with Nintendo for the role of Princess Zelda in the live-action Legend...

>Captain Marvel star Brie Larson is in discussion with Nintendo for the role of Princess Zelda in the live-action Legend of Zelda production

Good choice Zig Forums?

Attached: B8EA71E1-FD80-4261-A813-96242F128573.jpg (621x1069, 45.47K)

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too old


she also wants to play samus

Welp, there goes that movie.

they already jewed detective pikachu to death with the mulatto. if they didn't learn and want to take the sony route to kill another ip before it even gets off the ground then that's on them.

No, her hairline is fucked and she has a huge forehead.
Plus she has a cringey, girl-power type personality

>Legend of Zelda movie
>there’s no Link

Ass too flat

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not brown enough

No, unless Sheikh is also going to be in the film and fighting regularly

boring man jaw whore
stick to marvel

She should play Princess Toadstool in new Mehrio Bros liveaction.

>raging feminist
>still wears pushup bras for male attention
Fucking women

But Zelda has nice feet.

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Wow I really wanted an uppity sjw womyn Princess Zelda.

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This fucking wall™ is far too old for the gorgeous beautiful princess Zelda.

Get this old hag out of my sight. She'd be what, 45 by the time a Zelda movie would release?

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also hates white people yet all her friends and lovers are white.

But they already made a movie.

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Zelda needs to be petite and young

Zelda's actress would have to be around 18 to early 20s

I don't give a single shit about any trash movie/tv adaptations of vidya and neither should you. It only encourages them.

10 years since then

Doesn't matter what anybody here thinks. You are a retard if you think you, me or this website can influence anything of that level. Normalfags will eat it up like always.

She may be talking to nintendo but nintendo ain't talking to her back

isn't she like a million years old? can't they give the chance to a more young actor that doesn't look like fucking shit? just how far do her connections in hollywood go?

she's already sucked off half of holly wood so I'm sure she can get a role anywhere now.

>zelda with ugly feet
god no.

Attached: brie larson's disgusting feet.jpg (473x754, 41.3K)

that should be that chick from Tenet with 30 lbs of muscle.

Nop. Hollywood hates women that are:

Keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom

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I'm really getting sick of foot niggers

What a hideous looking tranny.

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gos she's so fucking ugly holy shit