Rayman director, Michel Ancel, retires and chooses to live the rest of his life in the wilderness as a gay man.
He was perviously occupied with directing Beyond Good and Evil 2 which was supposed to be his masterpiece.
Rayman director, Michel Ancel, retires and chooses to live the rest of his life in the wilderness as a gay man.
He was perviously occupied with directing Beyond Good and Evil 2 which was supposed to be his masterpiece.
Who gives a shit about UbiShit
Michel was the one thing at Ubisoft that had any passion or soul
people who aren't total fucking retards and just want to play games like beyond good and evil 2 without thinking about the retarded company making it because they spent too much time on Zig Forums.
Now this is some next level outrage-OP. Might as well say he ate children too.
lol get ready for SJW masterpieces
theya re taking over the companies now
If you genuinely think Beyond Good and Evil 2 was going to be anything more than the average fare for Ubisoft, then you have the IQ of a toaster
I didn't say BGE 2 was good, I meant most of his projects were charming
BGE2 looks boring
I don't hold any hope, it would be great if it turned out great. Maybe normal thoughts like these don't appear in the rot you call your brain anymore.
Yeah it's a TOTAL COINCIDENCE this pervy looking motherfucker who JUST OPENED A NEW STUDIO and was the sole director on BGaE 2 suddenly retires from the industry completely amid INVESTIGATIONS at Ubisoft.
The chances of him raping some intern, or more likely - possessing child pornography like most Ubishits, are higher than 50%.
Not for long considering their propensity to eat their own.
>people who aren't totally retarded
>just want to play games
Define: mutual exclusivity
I didn't mean that directed towards you, but as a general statement.
My peepee has a higher inch count that you your braincell is count, Beat it
Nice strawman
>higher inch count that you your braincell is count
Somehow i seriously doubt that
It's not the least bit surprising when you look at how he's been treated at Ubi. People have been making wagers on him leaving for the better part of a decade.
>That fuckin' who-ha jade raymond was givin' me the looks in the office. So what if i slapped her ass? she was askin' for it. i'm gonna kill that horse faced cunt for reporting me to HR
>Say, have you ever seen the movie gladiator?
>That fuckin' who-ha jade raymond was givin' me the looks in the office. So what if i slapped her ass? she was askin' for it. i'm gonna kill that horse faced cunt for reporting me to HR
No he didn't
But... What's gonna happen to rayman?
they will fight about petty things, and include any shit in the games as a protest
but the players have more to lose
rayman will have children in drag laying over his body in libraries
Rip Ubisoft.
And fuck op for his clickbait garbage.
yeah, take over and kill the company since the SJW crowd is unable to go one single day without drama
of course all of this is by (((design)))
There's an ongoing scandal and alligations at ubisoft and an executive got cancelled last month. Michel is just getting off the sinking ship before he would've inevitably gotten accused of rape or something by some nutjob.
It's officially dead now if it wasn't already obvious since Legends was 7 years ago
Does he or Ubi own Rayman? Couldn't he make Rayman 4 in his own studio?
Dude what part did you don't get when he said he's leaving the GAMING INDUSTRY? Rayman is dead now bro, it's over.
>but the players have more to lose
I think that would be investors.
According to frenchie leaks he'd lost any passion for the project long ago, almost never met the team actually working on it and they lived in fear that he'd come back and take control back to disrupt the project. Ubi management let the situation degrade that much because he was Yves Guillemot's pal so you gotta let him do whatever he wants.
Rayman always was ubi, rayman 4 is the first rabbids game, Rayman's dead and buried and all Michel wants is to pet some wildlife
Unless nintendo give them some money he's dead outside of cameos, references, cosmetic dlc
BG&E2 has been a practical joke at his expense for the past decade, no fucking wonder he was running on fumes. Especially after his Rayman team got unceremoniously booted too.
He'll get a 'faithful reimagining' of him in a different game. Like Sam Fisher in Siege, where his kit consists of explosives.