How much will you sell your console for when VR starts to take over all of video games?

How much will you sell your console for when VR starts to take over all of video games?

Attached: 3456436.webm (800x600, 2.95M)

It won't ever replace traditional games since it's pretty much a stressfull workout.
It's not feasable for somebody with a physical job who just wants to chill on the sofa and play a game after work.
That neurolink though may be the real future.

it's kinda hard to recommend someone a VR headset when the only worthwhile title came from Valve

they sure as hell won't release a new title in the next 2 years and everyone else is either too incompetent or doesn't have the budget to make something as good as alyx

>It's not feasable for somebody with a physical job who just wants to chill on the sofa and play a game after work.
speak for yourself retard i work my ass of and love vr

Why don't any of these VR players aim through the sights?

VR is incredibly niche, it won't be mainstream for another 40 years minimum

I am it's just recording through my left eye.

>forget the concept of any mobility: the genre

You will change your mind after you hit mid 30s

Zero Caliber has really good locomotion.
However, the first game brave enough to attach a competent physics system to the head of the VR player will profit a lot.

I still have 20 good years lol I'll be fine oldfag.

Attached: 1595806776986.png (607x549, 531.78K)

what game?

Zero Caliber

It depends on the game. You can wall run and shit in Sairento and you can parkour in Boneworks. There's also STRIDE, which is a game entirely based on mobility in VR.

Attached: boneworks handgun course speedrun.webm (480x270, 2.96M)

Did you just admit that you're 10 years old?!

>sleight of hand

Attached: 1592569053400.png (800x600, 11.57K)

im 20 and my dad didnt break down until like 50 so my genes are superior.

Attached: ZC2.webm (800x600, 2.93M)

This. 12 hours work days of manual labor and I still come home and drop 4-6 in modded Minecraft in vr

Damn that's impressive

Pavlov only records through the left eye for some reason.

>Take over all video games.
VR/AR is the future, but it's not a complete replacement. I couldn't imagine playing an in depth fighting or strategy game within it.

How do you walk around in these games? With an analog stick?

i agree with you, even tho i own VR there is some type of games i wouldn't play on it

Fighting games might be okay if they just play exactly the way they do now since they have mostly static cameras anyway. Might be a fun experience just to play from the perspective of a random bystander in the background in Street Fighter.

I think there's a lot of potential for strategy games. Motion controllers are pointer controls which are pretty fast and precise. But it'd also be really interesting to see the depth perception and 6DOF tracking taken advantage of. You could do something like a LoGH space RTS where you have to orient ships or ship formations in 3D space, instead of on a plane like how basically all RTS works right now.

Meanwhile irl it would've fallen apart.

Yes. You can usually teleport too but that's the equivalent of "low graphics settings".

>I'm 20
>my dad
you didn't need to admit to being a kid if you were going to show it anyway

>Can't imagine a strategy game with VR
have you heard of battlegroupVR

these webms remind me of the old sicknasty call of doody montages with shity rock on the background

100 yuan

>t. lardass

>a stressfull workout

Attached: tap tap.png (211x196, 52.29K)

technology isn't good enough to provide anything but mediocre single player experiences and small co-op experiences yet.
we're still years away from sick shit even halfway similar to SAO.

Retard or black?

I have not. Looks worth a shot.

I do headtracking brutal doom COD mods, still pretty chill, blowing up hordes of bad guys with aim down sights mechanics is so satisfying. Bouncing grenades around walls at a mob chasing you, soo good.

Attached: 1e93b4aa328ee476465bc234a5a2ca60--church.jpg (474x572, 81.75K)

>VR game has guns
>Does 3/4 of the work for you
Bonerworks and Pavlov were a mistake

What do you mean?

in Boneworks you put a new clipazine near your gun and it automatically ejects the old one.
Then you put the magazine in and mash the trigger and the slide automatically releases for you.
Pavlov is a similar story of guns just not working how they should.
It's not unplayable but it's absolutely not tacticool.