It's very clear that this remake is not intended for the original audience.
It's a new console reveal with shiny graphics, trying to appeal to normal people and not autistic souls fags. Who cares if they changed one little detail in this REMAKE.
congrats, you figured out how a business setting works. They're appealing to everyone when the old demon souls was for a niche market in Japan
Ryan Brown
demon's souls is my favorite game of all time and im looking forward to this, try not to generalize
Nathan Foster
Still, it's so weird that they picked this game to show off the graphics. Why not pick Uncharted, with all of those diverse action set pieces which they could use to show off graphics, instead of fucking up Demon's Souls atmosphere.
Ryder Cooper
No PC no buy.
I ain’t buying a shitstation 5.
Hudson Jackson
zoomers love nuFromSoft games, look at Shitkiro
Jace Cox
It looks like it plays nowhere near the same as your "favourite game of all time". The animations look shit and weightless, while the movement simultaneously looks more tanky, like a cinematic game, similar to nu-god of war.
Have fun hearing your character grunt with every weapon swing, though, just like the original :^)
Jace Parker
im playing it online right now through the emulator
Andrew Myers
imagine being this catty about a guy enjoying something
Hunter Ramirez
thanks i will, like op said the original is still an option and now it can even be played online on PC to me this looks like an entire new souls game to enjoy, so i will enjoy it (and scrap some noobs for shits and giggles)