It's very clear that this remake is not intended for the original audience

It's very clear that this remake is not intended for the original audience.

It's a new console reveal with shiny graphics, trying to appeal to normal people and not autistic souls fags. Who cares if they changed one little detail in this REMAKE.

Go and play the original if you care so much.

Attached: Demons-Souls-PS5_01.jpg (1920x1080, 220.39K)

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congrats, you figured out how a business setting works. They're appealing to everyone when the old demon souls was for a niche market in Japan

demon's souls is my favorite game of all time and im looking forward to this, try not to generalize

Still, it's so weird that they picked this game to show off the graphics. Why not pick Uncharted, with all of those diverse action set pieces which they could use to show off graphics, instead of fucking up Demon's Souls atmosphere.

No PC no buy.

I ain’t buying a shitstation 5.

zoomers love nuFromSoft games, look at Shitkiro

It looks like it plays nowhere near the same as your "favourite game of all time". The animations look shit and weightless, while the movement simultaneously looks more tanky, like a cinematic game, similar to nu-god of war.

Have fun hearing your character grunt with every weapon swing, though, just like the original :^)

im playing it online right now through the emulator

imagine being this catty about a guy enjoying something

thanks i will, like op said the original is still an option and now it can even be played online on PC
to me this looks like an entire new souls game to enjoy, so i will enjoy it (and scrap some noobs for shits and giggles)

it has too much grass everywhere, the atmospehere is completely fucked up and butchered
It's pretty accurate to the original. People who shitposted in here didn't really played original that's why.

If something is your favourite thing of all time, why would it be a good thing if it is changed quite a bit? That was the particular point I wanted to address in his post

original guy you replied to here, im just open minded and dont mind if they touch up the game, it would be boring if it was just the exact same since i can just emulate if i want that
i enjoyed FF7R for the same reasons

it's not the same without Miyazaki's vision.

>Miyazaki's vision.
Thank God he isn't supervising then. Imagine:
>Cutting down world tendency
>Cutting down item burden
>Making Yurt less harmful
>Changing human form into a buff similar to DaS3
>Speeding up combat like an action game(When combat isn't suited for action games)
>Butchering bosses and making them mindless R1/Circle spam challenges
That's why I am glad he isn't working. Miyazaki changed alot since original Demon's Souls and he wants to pander to casuals.

thats happening anyway

Wait... they got net emu going on PC???

Miyazaki is actually really good. BB was top tier, DS1 was top tier. DS3 was just a phoned in game for him

years ago user
the new big thing is the private server that was working on ps3 for a while now, works on emulator too, and its cross platform and cross region
60 fps DeS is nice

wait it's PS3 to PC? That's crazy

spoonfeed me a link, I have the game installed already on RPCS3. That's fucking incredible.

Give me proof then. My proof is everything after Dark Souls 1(and 2) was pandered to casuals and casuals only. Bloodborne is prime example of that. You can't even fuck up your stats in Bloodborne since they are literally worthless compared to blood gems which game gives you anyways. Only thing you can genuinely lose in NuSouls games is unironically your souls and souls were always least important thing you could lose anyways.

Yeah, way before the Demaster was announced. I've already played DeS in 4K60fps. I don't need to spend $570 for a western take on DeS.

You are the fucking man. Thank you.

I'll play and enjoy it but there's a lot of shit I'm not happy about in it already.

Very few people who use this argument know what they're talking about.

shut the fuck up sour grapes fags, i played and loved the original and im picking this shit up day 1 and gonna enjoy it on a new 4k 120hz tv and theres nothing you can do about it, it looks great, and this is coming from someone who recently emulated it at 60fps on rpcs3 too and played through it at 1440p

Thanks user, dont even care about the remaster anymore.

Got another word for it when attacks does not result in the expected reaction to a certain level of force? Im ready to hear it, genius

>Miyazaki changed alot since original Demon's Souls and he wants to pander to casuals.
Demon's Souls is the easiest Souls game, KYS you retarded low IQ subhuman son of a whore failed abortion nostalgia high faggot.

Attached: objective truth.png (1584x1755, 2.17M)

Then DMC5 is weightless. They swing way too fast and the enemies don't react.

Elden ring isn't even out yet lmao

do people actually care about elden ring? wtf


Sony paid From to delay it.

i honestly thought that the character barely flinching when shielding attacks was a remake thing, it looked exactly back then

Why Dark Souls 3 or BB or Sekiro or Dark Souls 2 doesn't kill my important NPCs or fucking me up then? Later entries doesn't even trust it's own players to make meaningful decision that can effect them in the long run kek! Not to mention your hub will always be safe no matter what. Series unironically lost it's SOUL after these FS never tried to do anything similar to pic related until Sekiro which we know is completely useless.

#NotMySOUL and #NotMyFromSoftware faggot. Neck yourself and do a favor to entire world.

Attached: yurt_vs_lautrec_by_menaslg_d4uwby7-fullview.jpg (900x666, 78.09K)