FF7R Part 2

FF7R Part 2
> Sci-fi fantasy
> Linear/character focused
> Nomura

> Medieval fantasy
> Open/world focused
> Yoshi-P

We'll be able to experience two very different types of mainline FF's this generation. Instead of bashing one vs the other, let's enjoy both.

It's a good time to be a FF fan.

Attached: FF_NextGen.png (1273x1917, 2.08M)

remember when FF had more gameplay than cutscenes instead of being almost entirely a movie game franchise?

>Linear/character focused
They have to have address the world map sized elephant in the room so I don't know if I would say it's linear just yet.

They'll make the world map with selectable locations like in X that'll contain linear dungeons, XVI might get the XII world map and hopefully something similar to hunts.

I was just playing FF7R last night. Chapter 14 and in playing almost 5 hours, it was almost all gameplay. Cutscenes were maybe 10 or so min in total in that whole time (did a bunch of side quests and the don corneo sewer shit)

I agree but next time put a real 7r pic and not zack from AC or crisis core or some shit.

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Part 2 is definitely going to be Zack-focused

>It's a good time to be a FF fan.
You mean it's a fucking terrible time to be a FF fan. And a good time to be a zoomer Advent Children and FFXV fan.

Nomura stomps. Hackshida literally can't compete.

16 looks like a big "fuck you" to 15 fans

Not to mention XIV still being GOAT

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XIV-Yshtola.jpg (829x900, 117.52K)

You look deluded.

We'll probably also get some sort of spin off Final Fantasy game somewhere in the next couple years as well.

Top: medieval old Soul
Bottom: old soulless
Pic related: New soul

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FF16 looks like it's a FF14 asset swap

good to hear that they made an exception for one title.

>neither will have atb team combat
Nah, bring back the better battle system from the older games.

The style sure, but definitely not the assets

Turn-based FF is dead
and should stay dead

Get over it. Go play Dragon Quest. FF isn't that series anymore.

How so? The is a complete 180 from 15, and they're not letting Nomura touch it? Not even character designs?

That's one badass chocobo

Don't set your expectations too high. Hype can drive some men to madness.

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I'm glad I never wasted a minute of my life being a fanboy of any multi-million dollar company


I won't get over it, zoomer faggot. I will complain forever. Sorry nobody liked XV and VIIR was forgotten within a month.

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> I won't get over it
Then stay mad forever I guess

>Sorry nobody liked XV and VIIR was forgotten within a month
Factually untrue

Honestly don't have time for turn-based random encounter games anymore. I prefer this being action RPG

Where are you getting that FF16 isn't character focused? You've assumed that completely.

When the fuck is FF7 Remake gonna be on PC, anyway?

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next year

When next year? God, this shit stinks

after april 10 time exclusivity ends so from then and onwards