Post niggers done right

Post niggers done right.

>Extravagant looks
>Caring parent
>Voice of reason
>Sympathetic personality
>Colgate smile
>Has a pet chicken

Attached: download.jpg (397x397, 26.74K)

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>Caring parent
No wonder he appeared in a game with Fantasy in the title.

Sazh was probably the only character I could even tolerate in XIII.


Attached: couch.jpg (179x281, 6.43K)

I genuinely forgot this guy existed

>niggers fucking my wife
>niggers dancing
>niggers making music
>niggers on TV
>niggers in videogames
is this the though process of the average American?

I had a black coworker who hated Sahz the most.

This. Also, a single father nigger? LOL the only thing accurate was that casino dlc where he gambles all day, now that's nigger behaviour.