Post niggers done right

Post niggers done right.

>Extravagant looks
>Caring parent
>Voice of reason
>Sympathetic personality
>Colgate smile
>Has a pet chicken

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>Caring parent
No wonder he appeared in a game with Fantasy in the title.

Sazh was probably the only character I could even tolerate in XIII.


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I genuinely forgot this guy existed

>niggers fucking my wife
>niggers dancing
>niggers making music
>niggers on TV
>niggers in videogames
is this the though process of the average American?

I had a black coworker who hated Sahz the most.

This. Also, a single father nigger? LOL the only thing accurate was that casino dlc where he gambles all day, now that's nigger behaviour.

Yes, some of them.

you forgot

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coach, woah wtf...

What about Barret being a single father nigger to a

sazh, barret, drebin, jax, lee, cj. anderson

What's the word I'm looking for? Oh right: based.

I'm not american. I don't give fuck about what you think of the word nigger. Nigger sounds better than black. From a phonetic viewpoint, nigger is more amicable. No other country in the world complains so much about words like americans do.

Dude, cool down with the racism

He's hated now but everyone fucking nutted on how cool he looked like with the reveal trailer

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That nigger had style.

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Who, seems like a fun fighter and I'd assume that's Tekken.
Alex will always be my favourite because only a hyper chad would bring boxing to a tournament like that.

>Has balls so massive he attempts to punch a brute in Halo 3

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Leeroy Smith, yeah a new original Tekken dlc character

Is there a version of Zig Forums that’s as anonymous and open but that isn’t full of mentally ill people spreading failure strategies

>ctrl+f demo
>0 results

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Lee "Urban" Everett.

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100% based

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demo is annoying.

t. shitposter

black user here i got you covered these are the ones i know that aren't just racist stereotypes or caricatures and that i also like
>hat in time bow kid
>elina street fighter
>splatoon marina/octolings
>beatrix slime rancher
>no more heroes shinobu
>grant the rock type gym leader from pokemon x and y

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Seems alright, why are people not into this.
Seems like a fun Tekken character.

Is Nisha more black or more mexican?

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He was completely busted OP so everyone played him online and it soured out everyone.

He was released as a broken-ass DLC character.

That's not a nigger though. looks chilean or some shit. You're being robbed of your identity and you don't do shit about it.

i feel grant needs more love

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only thing I remember fondly from this shit game. what a waste

honestly surprised nobody posted donkey kong

Americans are obsessed with blacks.

Standard fare I hear in fighting games.
Is he more balanced now or is it still the same?
Is Steve good, I haven't sank my teeth into Tekken 7 yet to be honest.

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That guy doesn't look black

donkey kong is white

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Roy "Big Bo" Boateng from Binary Domain.

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New Guilty Gear character

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user what are you talking about? he literally reminds me of tall lanky skinny black guys i have known.

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They put woolie in guilty gear?

wrong tag, here the fix

Generic design, you can't just color someone brown and call him a nigger.

Is Jade considered a black character?

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Looks mexican.

He looks black to me

>Generic design, you can't just color someone brown and call him a nigger.
this complaint is made but i never hear anyone complaining about ash or any other Asian character not having Asian eyes. why do people think a character needs to be hyper realistic in order to be black but then it's okay for white characters or Asian characters not to be as realistic as they want? that's called double standards.

Brad Garrison from DR1
>DHS agent
>Not fucking around
>Prioritizes getting the remaining civilians out of a completely fucked situation
>Smoking hot rookie partner
>Gets his man in the end at the cost of his own life

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