>Went from cutesy and quirky stories with dark undertones to melodrama and overly edgy mismatched themes that don't fit at all with the setting.
Went from cutesy and quirky stories with dark undertones to melodrama and overly edgy mismatched themes that don't fit...
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I'm not gonna fucking make it guys..........
>"Woah let's have a kid kill themselves in an otherwise whimsical world! So deeeeep and edgyyyyyy."
Dumpster fire of a game.
earthbound was fucked up too what are you talking about
This entire game is horribly contrived with completely unsubtle and lazy themes.
actual, unironic, autism.
Nowhere near as edgy as this one was. Trying to pretend that they are tonally close is retarded.
Cope harder.
Actually soulless my man. Claus' storyline isn't supposed to be edgy or deep nor is his fight. Boiled down to it's bare minimum it's just a tired kid coming back to his senses and, more importantly, being reunited with the mom he died trying to get revenge for. I can see why you'd be so pissy and angsty if you believe it's supposed to be anything more than that. Maybe you would've had more ground to stand on if you called out the happy box/obvious TV allegory but even then it's not even done in a bad way.
cope with what, your blatant fucking autism?
You made this exact same thread yesterday, please seek help.
Having a kid get turned into a cyborg and kill themselves to be with their mom in a world that's whimsical and wacky is edgy. Its embarrassing. It's like one of those 'mature' pokemon fan games.
No, because someone called out your shitty and overly edgy game for what it is.
thank you for proving that you have autism, you can stop replying to my post any time, I don't like talking with autistic people as they're fucking annoying weirdos
You're a retarded teen who's watched too much of those "lore" videos.
>game starts with the death of your wife and disappearance of your son
>"wtf why did the game get so dark at the end"
giygas in mother 2 is the exact same shit though.
Lmao. Cope harder. Its autistic that you enjoy edgy themes interspersed horribly with humor.
Op is just pissy Mother 3 makes fun of "her" people
Again it's nowhere as overt nor the main theme or the game. If you've played any of the actual games you would know that, but like most Mother fans, they haven't.
you just keep proving my point and it's getting embarrassing, this is why I said don't reply to me, fucking autists are so goddamn weird and annoying
And its retarded because Mothers setting isn't conducive to that type of tone. It's like Final Fantasy being put into a whimsical kids RPG.
Im so weird and annoying for being intelligent and properly critiquing a shitty game.
yes it fucking is, did we play the same series?
No it isn't. Mothers setting is all about childhood whimsy and mystery. Acting like these games are comparable in tone is retarded.
Holy shit the amount of tendie seethe in here is amazing. Such a goldmine.
Not being able to appreciate the differences and qualities of both Mother 2/3 is a sign of low IQ.
bruh fuck off
Mother 1s most influential character and is unseen has more backstory than your mother that dies after 6 lines or dialouge. All the proof we need that this is low IQ
Nobody watches Westerns anymore no nobody understands how to make Star Wars.
It's not. The disturbing shit behind Giygss isn't communicated to you directly in game. You're just watching too many lore videos
ive never watched a single lore video, shit like the mu training scene and giygas are fucked up even on a surface level
A world where goofy hot springs heal you and frogs save your game doesn't fit with cyborg kids killing themselves and a man suffering a mental break down from his wife's death. It meshes together horribly, there's no way around this.
But again they aren't overt enough to be the main theme of the game. They're scary climaxes to otherwise whimsical and goofy games.
Good for pointing this out because right after the tone shift of Hinawas death, it shows no tonal consistency and doesn't mesh.
That doesn't fit with the established setting.