Gaming sins

Confess your gaming sins Zig Forums

-I have never played a Metal Gear Solid game even though I own 4, 5 and Rising
-I think Super Mario Sunshine sucks and Galaxy is by far the better game
-I think Star Fox Command is a great game
-I like the Wii U
-I am using a 10 year old Be Quiet E7-700 Watt PSU

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I buy games and don't play them
I justs like having them in my steam library
every day i look for new one to buy

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I do the same but with physical games

Despite owning a Switch and hanging out with the living incarnations of basedjak memes, I do not actually buy or play games on since launch it and probably have youtube and hulu as my most used software.

>I have never played a JRPG

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I still use a 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SATA SSD

this, also my backlog is at 140, I've pretty much stopped playing games now until a game comes out that I absolutely must play

Same; my backlog is at 150+ games too. Including several pretty long RPGs.
If I never buy anything every again and keep playing at my current pace I would probably be fine for 10 years.

These are the only AAA or games from big companies that I've ever played:
>Diablo 2
>Portal 2
>Dark Souls 3
All of them for less than 10 hours.

I lied about every final fantasy game I’ve played for the past 15 years. The first FF game I beat was FF13 in 2010 and FF7 just this year. A friend of mine started playing Final Fantasy because of me and he played through FF10 telling me all of these things like I would know what he was talking about. Also Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, I’ve never played 3 or New Vegas and have no intention of doing so either.

I don't enjoy video games anymore. I only play a freeware multiplayer game with Zig Forums now.

I like Guild Wars 2 and never played 1.

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I’ve replayed the mass effect trilogy four times and I always make the same choices

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I've been playing FFXI retail daily for 18 years.

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I don't replay games that I've beaten unless I get a New Game+ where I'm overpowered like in Chrono Trigger. I don't care about trying new builds, or new choices or whatever. I care about playing and beating games.

>Game+ where I'm overpowered
I fucking love that. Too bad so few games actually let you do this and almost none make the NPCs react to your overpowered state

I am too retarded/impatient for fighting and action games like DMC that require me to learn combos
I believe that BioWare has never made a good game
I do not like Thief, Deus Ex, Arcanum, or the majority of old games Zig Forums pretends to like
I will drop a game if it doesn't hook me within the first hour
I've tried ~4 times to get into the original Demon's Souls, and I will play the remake and love it

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>I will drop a game if it doesn't hook me within the first hour
This is extremely fair. If a game can't at least be interesting an hour in, then where's the fun?

I have the MGS collection and Prime trilogy and never touched them.
I bought the Neptunia games 3times never played any.
I bought all modern Atelier games never played those either.

I try not to buy shit I dont need in the future pls forgive me.

Zig Forums likes Arcanum? Surprisingly good taste.

>I bought the Neptunia games 3times
To be exact I bought them for PS3, Vita and PC

yeah, maybe it's not so weird. I guess the more game experience you have under your belt the more you know what you will and won't like

I bought Oddworld Abe's Oddysee twice physical for PC, got it for free on Steam and GoG, bought Oddworld Abe's Exodus on Steam, bought Oddworld Munchs Oddysee & Strangers Wrath for the OG Xbox, bought Oddworld Adeventures for Gameboy and New & Tasty on Steam and never played any of them so far..

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I love everything about Mario 64 except the way Mario moves and controls, which I can't stand. I've only ever watched playthroughs
I started playing Witcher 3 because I thought Ciri was cute.
Half Life is one of my favorite games and I've played it over a dozen times but I genuinely think Black Mesa is better
I shitpost as a hard-core Trump supporter and a hard-core leftist to derail off topic threads

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have you never played any of them at all, ever? if so that's indeed odd
Oddysee is a masterpiece by the way, you should play it ASAP

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This was me until my brother gave me Persona 5 and kind of forced me to play it

I unironically enjoy pic related. I don't even like most Sonic games but for some reason I enjoy it.

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I played Oddysee for ~5 minutes.

But I remember being over at a friends house 20 years ago and seeing him play Exodus on his PS1 quite a bit.
I really liked the poem, the menu where the character would talk and fart and the overall graphics.

Same here, except I buy games because they're on sales.
I bought games a ton of games on sale on my wishlist but most have them haven't started on it yet.

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My condolence

Im a massive FPSgenre fag. I have about 2k hours in CS:GO, was Global Elite, 800 hours+ in PUBG, 500hours+ in Siege, Doom Eternal finished on UN etc.. i play it all on 100cm+ diagonal LG TV which is 40cm away from my face..

I bought Soul Calibur 2 mostly due to how cute the women fighters were (I ended up loving it for way more than that though)
I bought a PSP only to play KH Birth By Sleep
Never played a Mega Man game
I have some games I bought and haven't played

I bought all 3 versions of Sould Calibur just because but only played the GC version and not even for that long.
I only played Dr. Wily's Revenge and did not like it because it was too hard.

I like fallout 4 and have never played 1,2, or 3