-I have never played a Metal Gear Solid game even though I own 4, 5 and Rising -I think Super Mario Sunshine sucks and Galaxy is by far the better game -I think Star Fox Command is a great game -I like the Wii U -I am using a 10 year old Be Quiet E7-700 Watt PSU
Despite owning a Switch and hanging out with the living incarnations of basedjak memes, I do not actually buy or play games on since launch it and probably have youtube and hulu as my most used software.
this, also my backlog is at 140, I've pretty much stopped playing games now until a game comes out that I absolutely must play
Julian Turner
Same; my backlog is at 150+ games too. Including several pretty long RPGs. If I never buy anything every again and keep playing at my current pace I would probably be fine for 10 years.
Luke Morales
These are the only AAA or games from big companies that I've ever played: >Diablo 2 >Portal 2 >BOTW >Dark Souls 3 All of them for less than 10 hours.
Nolan Taylor
I lied about every final fantasy game I’ve played for the past 15 years. The first FF game I beat was FF13 in 2010 and FF7 just this year. A friend of mine started playing Final Fantasy because of me and he played through FF10 telling me all of these things like I would know what he was talking about. Also Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, I’ve never played 3 or New Vegas and have no intention of doing so either.
Henry Reed
I don't enjoy video games anymore. I only play a freeware multiplayer game with Zig Forums now.
I don't replay games that I've beaten unless I get a New Game+ where I'm overpowered like in Chrono Trigger. I don't care about trying new builds, or new choices or whatever. I care about playing and beating games.
Aiden Thomas
>Game+ where I'm overpowered I fucking love that. Too bad so few games actually let you do this and almost none make the NPCs react to your overpowered state
Evan Roberts
I am too retarded/impatient for fighting and action games like DMC that require me to learn combos I believe that BioWare has never made a good game I do not like Thief, Deus Ex, Arcanum, or the majority of old games Zig Forums pretends to like I will drop a game if it doesn't hook me within the first hour I've tried ~4 times to get into the original Demon's Souls, and I will play the remake and love it
>I will drop a game if it doesn't hook me within the first hour This is extremely fair. If a game can't at least be interesting an hour in, then where's the fun?
Jose Harris
I have the MGS collection and Prime trilogy and never touched them. I bought the Neptunia games 3times never played any. I bought all modern Atelier games never played those either.
I try not to buy shit I dont need in the future pls forgive me.
Jeremiah Lewis
>Arcanum Zig Forums likes Arcanum? Surprisingly good taste.
Eli Taylor
>I bought the Neptunia games 3times To be exact I bought them for PS3, Vita and PC
Ryan Lee
yeah, maybe it's not so weird. I guess the more game experience you have under your belt the more you know what you will and won't like
Nathan Smith
I bought Oddworld Abe's Oddysee twice physical for PC, got it for free on Steam and GoG, bought Oddworld Abe's Exodus on Steam, bought Oddworld Munchs Oddysee & Strangers Wrath for the OG Xbox, bought Oddworld Adeventures for Gameboy and New & Tasty on Steam and never played any of them so far..
I love everything about Mario 64 except the way Mario moves and controls, which I can't stand. I've only ever watched playthroughs I started playing Witcher 3 because I thought Ciri was cute. Half Life is one of my favorite games and I've played it over a dozen times but I genuinely think Black Mesa is better I shitpost as a hard-core Trump supporter and a hard-core leftist to derail off topic threads
But I remember being over at a friends house 20 years ago and seeing him play Exodus on his PS1 quite a bit. I really liked the poem, the menu where the character would talk and fart and the overall graphics. youtube.com/watch?v=mQa2DGaxmc4
Brayden Smith
Same here, except I buy games because they're on sales. I bought games a ton of games on sale on my wishlist but most have them haven't started on it yet.
Im a massive FPSgenre fag. I have about 2k hours in CS:GO, was Global Elite, 800 hours+ in PUBG, 500hours+ in Siege, Doom Eternal finished on UN etc.. i play it all on 100cm+ diagonal LG TV which is 40cm away from my face..
Kevin Jenkins
I bought Soul Calibur 2 mostly due to how cute the women fighters were (I ended up loving it for way more than that though) I bought a PSP only to play KH Birth By Sleep Never played a Mega Man game I have some games I bought and haven't played
John Smith
I bought all 3 versions of Sould Calibur just because but only played the GC version and not even for that long. I only played Dr. Wily's Revenge and did not like it because it was too hard.