Only on Nintendo Switch

Only on Nintendo Switch.

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*Also emulated on PC at 60fps 1080p

>RE Engine
nope. those emulators can't handle it.


Switch game looks ugly as sh-

...Never mind

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Hi res pic of the Wyverian waifus

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How much are Sonybros foaming at the mouth?

Can't wait for the inevitable
>Eeemmm uuuhhhhmmm AKSHUALLY, game bad. Take that tendies!

take your meds schizo
So this is RE engine?I fucking hope they use it for world 2, this looks 1000 times better

>Monster Hunter Rise out of your chair and take a big fat shit in the toilet

>take a big fat shit in the toilet
god i wish

Yeah its the RE engine, seems like Rise will act as an experimental game to make more monsters HD/4K ready and test things out for "MHW2", thats why I find the console war faggotry especially stupid.

Got my answer

>tfw poorfag
Leave me behind bros it was fun while it lasted, the 3DS the PS4, PC good times, good times

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No matter what console exclusive are always shit
at least i have a pc so i can emulate it

biased cherrypick in Sony's favour lol
they look like they fuck white guys

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I think a PC version is possible, look at games like Daemon x Machina and Octopath, both switch exclusive that got a PC port, but still no ps4 and xbox port

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Cool movie

Pretty sure it’s coming to other consoles

If anyone were to get a port it would be PC but it's not guaranteed. PCfags can emulate though so you guys can still play.

>I think a PC version is possible
The devs specifically highlighted portability though. At the very least you'll be able to emulate it.

Yeah but its not necessary as you can still play docked

Imagine the fucking load times for this game. Guaranteed they are going to hide it at TGS

The loading times on Switch games are often faster than HDDs of PS4's and Xbones, but it will be nowhere near as fast as MHW on PC

yes lmao pc gamers

They won't release it on World platforms close to World 2 release, they're not dumb. They also state in the Direct it was made specifically with the Switch's hybrid portable nature in mind.

Cute digimon

ESL much?

> MHW Game file size is around 15 GB
> MHR Game file size is around 8,7 GB
How can Capcom be the only third party big dev compressing huge ass games this well? Nowadays most AAA games are all nearly 100GB for fucks sake

Talk about Stories 2 you niggers.

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Now that you say it yeah the dog look very digimonesque, I will probably make mine the most digimon like mofo I can

Kitty calm down
But yes Stories 2 looks fucking great

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What is there to talk about? I'm glad it exists at all after Stories flopped.

Stories didn't flop.

Cute Rath!

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My waifu from this game

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are Japanese MH fans excited the series is going portable again or are they doing the same console war bullshit you guys are?

>takes the good from classic and World and makes the apex MonHun

If you couldn't pick out from the trailer that this is hardly anything like World or Iceborn, you don't know shit about Monster Hunter.

>he sales of Monster Hunter Stories (for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems), which targeted younger audiences, were soft
Doesn't mean flop.

>muh ebin anime ninja fairy claw DMC churazy button masher spam.

I sleep

>the sales of Monster Hunter Stories (for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems), which targeted younger audiences, were soft
Doesn't mean flop.

>Switch gets ugly-ass World clone set in Portable 3rd's world
Stories look better. You fags will eat up Rise anyway because its Switch exclusive but the minute they go back to having a game on ps5/xbox/PC you'll hate how similar they are. Just pray that a switch pro is released so I can be free of the stupid handheld gimmick

I hope you guys have fun I cant afford a switch.

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>dogs finally in MH

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No need to be so defensive or autistic about what flop means exactly. All I meant is that it under-performed and was not a huge sweeping success, so we're lucky to be getting a sequel at all.