>preorders open
>5 minutes later already outsold the shitch this year
How are you coping Zig Forums?
Preorders open
Secured mine an hour after the ps5 event. Canada wins again babyy :^)
You now remember that snoys were "fine" with gaming in 1080p after the xbox dunked on them in specs (until the seriesS was revealed and now snoys are again all about the """"4k"""" on the weak ps5)
You now remember that snoys were all about "different generations" and no games that looked like they came from 2012 (until sony showed their launch lineup that is also available on the ps4)
You now remember that snoys really hated trailers without gameplay (when showed by xbox of course)
You now remember that snoys thought xbox had "no games" because their games were available on pc (irony)
You now realize that poor sony shillroaches can't catch a break!
woah they sold all the 40 units they had
>reddit spacing
>cope paragraphs
Didnt read
Poor risitas lost his leg
you know it's mostly resellers, there's people trying to sell them already for $10k
Sony seriously struck gold here. Everyone in my fifa group is talking about the ps5. Would not be surprised if they just buy nintendo in a few years
>already outsold the shitch this year
And they both don't have games
>$500 for no games
>$50 for a Genesis Mini with 40 games
do the math
Based Sony, selling their shitty overpriced console to low IQ blacks and making eternal profit from them. Rabid Snoy subhumans buy anything that has a Snoy logo on it.
I don't know if Zig Forums can take another gen of absolute Sony dominance.
Got to wait that extra week though
>buying the first line-up of a console and buying a console from people who lies all the time
i am not clinically retarded yet like OP
Have sex
preorders in my country have barely started can I just order a bunch of consoles and sell them to foreign retards?
I'll have SeS
>buying something nobody else will for an irrelevant power advantage
>sony is LOSING money with every console sold!
>sony is profitable only because POC buy their consoles
the mind of an Xbox chud must be an awful place to live
Oh no no no
yes, the next batch in Australia will hit 2021, they all sold out within minutes here
I am honestly very hyped with the PS5 being looted by BLM rioters
I can't wait
>shows some literal who lies
>both consoles perfectly capable of 4k 60fps
Yes irrelevant
What did they do so well that made people rush to it?
Have preorders for xbox opened yet? If so, did people rush to it like this? Because I can't understand why people are so thirsty for playstation.
Or is this just because of the pandemic, and people are gaming more because they're indoors longer?
In a post covid world ps5 for 399 was a god tier move
thanks, but I have a gaming PC
But there is no games on it
Despite what seething Zig Forumsermin and their irrelevant opinions have to say about it, people want to play next gen games on next gen hardware, and the exclusive+multiplat lineup for 2021 is looking very good. The only thing they're doing wrong is charging 100 dollars for a videogame in EUROPE when it should be €60 max
I'm very tempted to scalp
Not when you combine it with pricing games at 80 euro. Nobody will be able to afford this when the mass firings start in several months. We are at the point of an economic disaster that will make the great depression look like nothing
Who the fuck would even consider paying that?
This will be XboneX vs PS4pro all over again, but worse for Sony
>Listening to a Chinese xbot fanboy
He's been cherry picking and concocting problems since they were announced. He's full of shit and doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
Still cheaper than PC
Lmao retard. Thats a good thing for Sony. The powergap is even smaller than that of the ps4 pro-One X and the ps4 pro still outsold the shitbox.
describes every nintendo release