Dota Won.
Dota Won
How are playable lolis not diverse
Dota 2 has women and minorities too, though.
dota won the moment it didnt make you buy characters
Both are fucking garbage
Its funny because League has fuck all character differentiation anymore
All playstyles are the same, and all the character aesthetics/designs are some Korean mobile shit instead of actually interesting monster people with fun quirks
>One cow
>One bear
>Two reptiles
>Two canines
>Handful of felines
>Plenty of rodents
We need another cutie like Renekton or Sol.
valve made legion commander into a black lesbo woman so they are ahead of the sjw curve
Samira is cool
>black lesbo
>still an angry racist that hates non-humans
Benjamin, is that you?
For a total of two black heroes. End of civilization.
Who? I just don't see people really liking the "diverse" champs, just the waifus and beastmen.
>Non humans
Dota 2 is the hardest shit I have ever played in my life even fighters are a shit ton easier I made it to super bronze in sfv knowing only one combo
>witch doctor
>Monkey King
dota won yes
Based Gaben doesn't give a shit and just adds another flaming goblin and a chick with big jugs to his game. He knows exactly who the fans are.
>Monkey King
he says that but tencent demands more asian girls
Dota 2 was always more inclusive to begin with, look at storm spirit, broodmother, death prophet, Medusa, wisp, antimage and lone druid for example.
As a gay black non binary lesbian transgender queer of color, this makes me happy. Thank you for making a character like me. Surely this will make the game better in every way
>the year of our lord 2020
>still not a single skeleton champion
this, you can't sell chinkshit and try to be diverse, they know a jpeg of an anime girl with big tits always sells like hotcakes
>broodmother, Medusa, wisp,
Monsters and concepts don't count. You deadass thought diversity and inclusive meant you can make literally whatever you want?
Broodmother is a single mother, wisp is asexual and Medusa gave up her beauty for power.
can't have those in chinese games
Blame China.
Why does League trigger so many people? A normal human would go, "Nah, not really into it." But most of you fucks go in this big tirade on how bad League is but with so much hatred. I don't get it. What did Riot do to you?