What class are you gonna play in shadowlands?

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>playing wow in current year

>Paying rent to activision for tranny propaganda

You are a loser even on Zig Forums.

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None. MMORPGs are shit

there is nothing else to play. at least there is progress in wow.

.01¢ deposited to your account

None. I have sex and a life.


>being this blind
wew lad, you can get scripted encounters in any single player game too. ESO and GW2 have raids too.

How much is Actiblizz paying you to shill?

>GW2 and ESO raiding
utter trash

>playing games in current year
>not just slowly letting yourself die through neglect and indifference

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Gonna play wow for the first time but I have a lvl 14 tauren shaman right now

>quite literally any other video game that isnt a mmo in 2020

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those games are garbage compared to WoW. WoW still has the best feel and world and community. its the most popular mmo.

there is nothing wrong with playing videogames for fun

0 nobody is paying me i just think its going to be fun discovering a new world again and progressing with other people.

>Killed m+ the only good content in basedcraft

Dark Knight, the other tanks and Samurai as before. Possible that i'll level my Dragoon and Black Mage again too.

Yes user, there is no other videogame in the world bar your relapse prison of sadness.

>Killed m+
based. legion was trash, go play diablo 3 if you wanna run greater rifts.

Good fuck Mythic+ running the same dungeons over and over again to get that one piece each season blows. Raid if you want the top gear. Simple as

Bless you King.

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>its the most popular mmo
no that's ffxiv these days, compare reactions to any ffxiv patch to WoW and its community

but ff isnt an mmo user

really looks like a desperate ploy to grab for validation on a board that very clearly dislikes blizzard games
it's alright zoomzoom maybe you can find camaraderie with the chinks and third worlders while your free time gets siphoned by the not-artifact power grinds and endless mythic+ that you'll still have to do

my wife plays a cute panda girl thats all i know about it
you guys dont actually play yourself do you?

I’ll be playing the only good class, the uninstall wizard.

Dragoon's pretty fun at 80.

Final Fantasy has and always had way more trannies than warcraft lmao

>Yes but doing the same raid every week is great I love lockouts and raid logging

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Healer will be resto druid
Tank will be prot warrior
DPS will be marks hunter

Mainly resto druid though

good, fuck off and play diablo, it's right there one inch lower in the launcher

>good, fuck off and play diablo, it's right there one inch lower in the launcher

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So you desperate shills keep saying but i've yet to run into these supposed hordes of trannies. On the other hand however, what I do see is actiblizz being a sellout to China and making empty statements regarding political movements like BLM to sell out even further while making actual tranny NPC's in their next expansion to pander some more.

its good though because mythic+ will have a place but it will actually require you to do heroic and do raiding instead of just doing mythic+ spamming it was really boring and shit. I think the game main focus should be raiding anyways.

FF XIV is dead and shadowbringers was a massive failure and dread content while WoW will deliver on the same theme exp

there is none exciting desu, what? CoD ? Star Wars? Fifa? Cmon bro. Cyberpunk? its going to be a 3 day game at best.

this. fuck mythic+ it was so easy to do also, while raiding is hard

that doesnt mean shit though, wow has most players by count also it isnt an mmo its a multiplayer story game, raiding means jackshit in FF while WoW has tournaments and raids have 200k+ viewers

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Fun but no "real" PVE, sadly.
lmao, it's another shitty skyrim with online... and standart MMO shit. Literally F2P Tier Game.
Absolute blunder of a game, only giant faggots who are called Gram would like this.