I picked it up in a PSN sale for a few quid and i at first didn't click with it as 'shooty souls' but when i figured out it was a sort of roguelite with randomely generated levels and how you can use adventures and stuff to redo things because you wont get all the items and bosses in one run of a location i'm enjoying it somewhat.
But that said the world of "hey in the late 60's SCP lost total containment of a Keter level threat" is really whats keeping me in as a lot of the game feels like slowly trudging forwards solo since i can't find other players. But i also wonder if that would even be fun since my autism makes me need to uncover the whole area to check for items.
It's great but balanced around co-op Really annoying if you play alone
Angel Richardson
Soulless co op looter shooter gay shit for zoomers.
Anthony Lopez
I'm playing it alone and it does get tedious. I want to use other mods but the root lure and aoe healwell just seem to useful to experiment without other players.
Mason Thompson
You won't need those after you get better weapon mods
Kevin Miller
So far i've beaten: >the ent >root mother >singe >shroud >gorefist >mangler >riphide >raze
Which i think is a quarter at best and so far the mods all seem a bit shit like 'add fire dot' or 'summon very weak add' which compared to "dummy that holds all threat" and "infinite healing as long as the circles on the ground" they just, so far, hand you the most useful for solo play right away.
Owen Evans
Dots are really broken in this game though, just hard to find the right gear for it
It's not a looter shooter, there is no loot in this game You literally never played it
Christian Watson
i've only got the fire one so far and its really not been as effective as just hammering the repeater pistol or coach rifle in terms of damage output.
Aiden Foster
Bandit Armor and Leto's Armor are the shit
Henry Bailey
The fire one is really good with the submachine gun Also there is a charm that boosts fire and burning damage by 50%. There is a power mod that shoots a fire mortar that does AOE and sets mobs on fire.
You can melt things with thta really fast. I had that build once but my savefile got corrupted sadly
Nathan Lopez
The biggest issue thus far is money. I just got to the second world and downed the first boss with +15-18 gear and upgrading other weapons is a huge drain. are you just meant to spam adventures to get scrap?
Luis Hill
I tried to get into it but all my friends quit and I figured it wasn’t very good solo
Gavin Nelson
I wont forgive the devs for nerfing Summoner build into the dirt.
Nathan Allen
You can break pots, crates to find more scrap but yeah you have to farm it sometimes. It sucks
Noah Sanchez
Take a couple scrap perks
Noah Gomez
I have it Pirated. But i had lots of fun with it.
Didn't beat the final boss though cause couldn't figure out his gimmick at the time. Should reinstall it now with the latest dlcs.
So is scavenger like elder knowledge and the sooner its capped the better?
William Fisher
it doesn't really matter where you put your points you can respec for 500 scrap after you finish the campaign if you struggle with money put some on scrap and respec later
Josiah King
Resident evil 5 meets Souls. Really good and the setting is quite unique. It was a pleasant surprise
Ryder Davis
add fire dot with the starting shotgun is more powerful than any other weapon in the game. T. beat the whole thing and only had issue with a single boss.
Austin Lee
The only major downsides are most of the levels being pretty hallways and some of the bosses being oneshot-happy with respawns right outside the door. Otherwise it's very fun. Wish I didn't have to ADS to switch shoulders and that it stayed like MGSV or Death Stranding.
So i used two simulacrums i got from earth adventures to get the dragon heart to 5 uses but never really do thanks to the cultist starter mod, are they also for +20 weapons? and does everything cap at 20?
Isaac Torres
it's a good idea with good atmosphere but the devs refuse to fix their shitty jank controls, so i dropped it
Jordan Morris
Yes, everything can be levelled til 20 But you need a simulacrums to get the final level You can only get 5 simulacrums in each campaign (one in each biome) If you want more you need to reroll the campaign
Ethan Foster
>game that punishes you for wanting to play solo I hate this trend
Jason Cook
>but balanced around co-op >Really annoying if you play alone Not even close. In fact it's better solo because you actually have to pay attention to mechanics.
Caleb Martinez
so have they nerfed that laser gun any harder into the ground? i remember it being broken as shit with a crit build
Connor Evans
It doesn't punish you in any way, where do you people get this shit from?
Gavin Gutierrez
>shitty jank controls You retarded, m8? Remanant has some of the smoothest controls.