Will you buy and play Hogwarts Legacy and thus support her spitting on transgender people's face?

Will you buy and play Hogwarts Legacy and thus support her spitting on transgender people's face?

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Only if it looks good. I spend money to play games, I can spit on trannies for free

>We're not mentally ill
>A celebrity from another country who I will never meet says she doesn't agree with something I believe, so I must now kill myself
>But I'm not mentally ill

Never met a tranny that wasn't a complete hormonal mess of emotions ready to lash out at literally any misconstrued statement

>JK Rowling is killing Trans kids
Why isn't she in prison then?

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Everything she added past the books has been fucking shite. Jury's out on the books past 3-4 as well.

>hear e-celeb calling Rowling a massive piece of shit
>look what things she said
>only mildly inflammatory
Are people's skins a little too thin now?

were at the black lives matters phase right now, check back later

I don't really care about Harry Potter at all but this shit is hilarious. It's funny watching the utter mind-splitting that goes into how every white millennial bitch being obsessed with Harry Potter and their desire to prop up trannies like ugly dolls

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At this point why doesn't she just go full Notch?

>buying and playing a Harry Potter game because you like the series
>buying and playing a Harry Potter game because you like "dabbing on them trannys"

holy based. JK is right. We don't want tranny kids here in the UK. simple as.

Not interested in giving money to people who want me and my loved ones dead. Thanks.

Harry Potter dabbing on trannies.

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>her spitting on transgender people's face

Here we go again.

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I literally am buying this game day 1 to piss off trannies.

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>cases of self harm and attempted suicide
I can't even imagine being this thin-skinned


I'll pirate it and mail her a check for $70.

>it's spitting on transgendered people's face
Im gonna buy 3 extra copies

>complete hormonal mess of emotions ready to lash out at literally any misconstrued statement
Thank you for being an ally and recognizing transfolk as real women!

>JK Rowling says trannies aren't women
>Stephen King says trannies are women
How did this happens bros?

Absolutely no way that's real, no fucking way

Stephen King is a coked up pedo, what do you expect?

squilliam on the right? I miss E3 threads already

If SHTF, I give these people an hour at best.

I was once like most of you but then i found my transgender girlfriend and i have to say it is going pretty good. I think most of you would even say she passes. You are missing out bros, not even joking

Wtf? I love Harry Potter now. 100% gonna pre-order because of this.

>Donate to this, donate to that
Maybe trans shit makes money?

Yes sir don’t mind if I do. In fact I might just buy it twice and add some tip.

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>tfw no trans gamer gf to dunk on TERFs and fascists with in between gaming sessions and the best sex of your life

It hurts so much.

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>Donate to Mermaids
Didn't they work with a mom who wanted to fetishize their kid into becoming trans against their will?

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I don't believe you, and you don't believe you either. Cope.

Aren't they the ones that try to convince people that tomboys are actually trans?

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yes. mermaids is awful and harms kids but who cares DONATE FOR THE RIGHT SIDE user

I'm not buying it because Merula Snyde isn't in it, not because Rowling is right about trannies.

>mythological creature with a beautiful woman top and horrible fish bottom
>trans organization

is there a part where the mermaid in myth is looking to get cut in half and having the bottom part replaced with the rest of the woman or did I read too far into this?

yep, trans drama is just a hilarious bonus
so is v shitting about black characters included