Was this feature really necessary?

Was this feature really necessary?

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what gaem

I have 7 hours clocked in this game and still have no idea wtf I am doing. I played the tutorial and have watched many videos on youtube. Can someone just tell me what the main objective of this game is? Is it just to continue your bloodline until the clock runs out?

>Was this feature really necessary?
Is anything really necessary?

Second this

>Trait: Futa
>This character requires no spouse to propagate her own bloodline.

>sewing the socket together
>only reduces fertility by 5%
wait what

try to conquer shit

Crusader Kings III. Not sure if it's a mod or not, though.

There's no real hard objective to the game, besides survive to 1453. It's more about creating your own goals. Like "I want to create an empire," or "I want to eugenically breed a dynasty of super-soldiers" or "I want to eat the Pope."

amerimutts btfo forever

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Oh shit game name now!

>Making genital mutilation a negative

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>her pearl of lust removed

they didn't circumcise this girl they MUTILATED her genitals, imagine if getting circumcised didn't just cut off skin but THE HEAD OF YOUR DONG

what the fuck bros


>fertility only decreases by 5%

way to many homosexuals and asexuals in this game

Crusader Kings the Third

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There is no main objective, make your own objectives and create your own story.

I'm new to the game too, decided to do the conquer Ireland start and it was going great until my guy died and I had to play as the heir who everyone fucking hated, who all created factions against me and declared war.

Now I've got less titles than when I started. I'm gonna murder the fucks responsible.

All women should be mutilated.

circumcision removes highly sensitive nerve endings and the physical protection of the glans, but nice cope.

Haven't seen an attractive woman in this game, even after 90 hours. Mods for beautiful people when?

It's a sandbox. You do whatever.

huh? How do you circumcise a woman?

you fuck up her clitoris so she can't have fun

cringe, circumcision of foreskin is most definitely mutilation you fucking kikebrain

>Get intimate with european girl
>Starts laughing when she sees my dick, says it looks weird
Wtf is wrong with them?

The games checks for if a Comely or Handsome character rapes a prisoner
> +15 Female Opinion, "Takes what he wants"
IF Ugly
> -100 Female Opinion, "Creep"

The game is dangerously based and redpilled.

>Download CK2
>play through tutorial
>Haha time to get fun
>Cant play here, buy dlc. Cant play here, buy dlc. Cant play here, buy dlc. Cant play here, buy dlc. Cant play here, buy dlc. Cant play here, buy dlc.

Yeah, im thinking skip until the whole thing is on the Bay.

just pirate it you unironic boomer

>download CK2 through steam
>download dlc through other channels and use cream api

>he doesn't realize that female circumcision exists

thanks brehs. im just gonna keep fucking around and declaring wars. ive been having fun its just hard to know if I'm doing the right thing in game, but by the sound of it there is no 'wrong thing' to be doing.

What's the stats for male mutilation though?

hilarious if true

it's a mod you fucking zoomers

shut your wrinkled ass boomer no one asked you a thing

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>frogposter shares his take

>Can someone just tell me what the main objective of this game is?
Retake the Holy Land of course. What kind of heretic question is that?

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"ladies" first tranny

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When there's a will, there's a way.

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It’s not. The rape mod is but the FGM is in the base game. Only African cultures have access to it.

kill yourselves, retards

yes fahrid, mutilating vaginas and wearing hijabs is not ok

dont wanna try screaming louder

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>when the game has a "beautiful perk" yet the character still looks like a skeleton goblin
western devs, not even once