Vergil is so based that I unironically think EVERY game would benefit from a Vergil Mode

Vergil is so based that I unironically think EVERY game would benefit from a Vergil Mode

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How would tetris work with a Vergil mode?

vergil iaijutsu slashes the blocks when you clear and dante is the one dropping them

Monster Hunter's had a Vergil Mode before DMC had a Vergil Mode; it's called Longsword, and like 25% of the entire playerbase of the series plays it.

I've only played DMC1 and 3, why does Vergil look so fucking weird in 5?

He took the call.

RE Engine

It's 50/50, One time he looks great the other time he looks shit, it's because they use real life models.

I think I’m starting to like Nero the most out of the entire cast, not sure why

I thought that was Johnny Depp in that Harry Potter spin off.

He's fucking old+they suck at face mocap except Dante, he looks fantastic in 5.

Great voice, fun scenes, great gameplay and he had a good arc.

they took a good looking motion actor and turned them into a chubby autist just like clair

Vergil is based, he's just the right amount of cool and loser mixed that makes him double down into being the best

Can't speak for 4 but in 5 he's incredibly likeable and adds a dynamic that fits the series.

Attached: Vergil.png (1169x789, 571.67K)


Attached: 1mpwn7iz.jpg (580x667, 267.31K)

Oh God. 3fags will ruin DMCV.


Just suck his dick already.

>the last of us 2 vergil mode


Attached: itadakimasu.png (517x640, 598.62K)

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Performing a Tetris (clearing 4 rows at once) builds a concentration meter. When the meter is full, you can spend it for a Judgement Cut End that clears the entire screen.

>Jump-canceling Golf Club Aerial Raves
I'll take three.

you dont control the falling blocks, you got to combo them into place

Why is he such a fag?

having a son does things to a man

>Slice when destroying a row
>Judgement cut when destroying 2-3 rows
>Judgement Cut End 4 rows

Slay all...

DMC3 is the best overall game in the series, this cannot be disputed.

That would be 5.

while i wish that were true, dmc5 doesnt stand on its own as well as 3 does

Attached: SF5.jpg (1920x1080, 385.67K)

Based Verge ready to beat up women.

Missing a virgil mode overlay