Black Ops Cold War alpha is live. Who's in?
Black Ops Cold War alpha is live. Who's in?
Looks like every other cod. Boring.
no matter how good modern COD is I refuse to play them because of the strict SBMM
honestly i dont mind the SBMM as long as the gunplay is satisfying, but cold war is like a mobile game compared to mw2019, so ill probably be skipping it
SBMM is a myth
The gunplay in this game feel like absolute dogshit compared to modern warfare
What the fuck?
How's the framerate on the alpha for the base PS4?
It’s not good anyway with or without SBMM
The frame rate is stable but the gunplay or movement feel like absolute ass compared to modern warfare
>cod ww2
more like cod owo
Animations and sound effects straight out of an older cod. I'm guessing they got the hand me down old engine and assets.
That's enough to be a pass for me though.
Not it's not. Activision confirmed it.
>game launches with 6 guns
>later adds 14 more that are impossible to unlock
What did activejews mean by this?
fuck off normalscum
The only reason I hate sbmm is it keeps putting me up against full teams vs my team of randoms. I wouldn't mind it so much if there was some kinda solo queue.
Do i need playstation plus to play online? I could borrow a playstation from a friend but im not spending a dime on this
>scorestreaks persist across death
this is the most garbage babymode bullshit i have ever fucking seen
You don't need plus
they got to keep those shitty players playing and spending money I guess
I've missed it since mw3
Finally I can get to try something other the uav and get free kills
Legitimately the worst map i have ever seen on any first person shooter i've ever player, what a god awful map.
PC here, how big is the download?
To solve this problem, always play with friends. You have friends, right?
I do but most of the time we aren't all on at the same time. We all have jobs and other shit.
Is this the fucking codfag retard that couldn't open a combination lock and had to look up a youtube vid guide on how to do it? codfags are the dumbest fucking people on earth, why do you worship them?
I don't care
Anyone else having issues inviting friends? Both of us just appear offline and when we try to invite each other the menus just freeze and cant be navigated.
the maps are awful
Absolutely no good reason to not continue support for modern warfare. But I guess its part of some contract to keep shitting them out. Only thing I liked was being able to use the m16 again. But holy shit they put no effort into making it feel like a cold war era game. Just reskinned trash.
>Super CALLofDUTY: Black Ops: Cold War: Deluxe Founder's Collector's EX Pre-order Championship Tournament Edition 3 2K20, ft. Reagan, from Ghetto May Cry & Knuckles