How do I get a job Zig Forums

Is it as easy as going to a bookstand and clicking yes like it is in Persona 5?

t. no exp 25yo

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no. or maybe in some really really rare cases. but normally no. either way. off topic thread. go to Zig Forums or wherever.

Write a resume
Fire up
Apply to everything you can reasonably get to/doesn't explicitly require a degree

Let's help OP before this gets pruned, I'm feeling magnanimous.

What've you been doing w/ your life OP?

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In Japan, yeah. They have a lot of vacancies for unqualified positions and baito.

I already made that same thread few days ago bucko, stop copying me

Did u get a job yet bro?

Japan truly ahead of our time.

Haven't searched yet lol, but i'll do this summer

C'mon head in the game