Risk of Rain 2


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enforcer is gay, glad we got captain the real shotgun man

Haven't played for a while, what are some new good builds.

Bleed on anyone

I am actually mad, 1 shot protection is bugged to shit, the chances of the little mushroom projectile hitting me for 1730 dmg is insane. I had no idea it could even hit you.

I just want the captain for fucks sakes

Attached: fuckin really.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

use command
also play on monsoon

>clearly not at full health
>complains about one-shot protection

Is this really the best that 4Channel's Zig Forums board can offer?

One-shot protection is a meme that e-celeb cancer watchers and tier-list fags are spewing out to appear smarter and better at the game. It literally doesn't even matter late-game since there's no way you will only be hit by one thing at a time when there's 30 of every enemy on the screen. Just pick up that shield generator, more hp is always better.

yeah you're right, I just noticed I was on 20hp less than full :(((

it used to matter and was parroted by everyone because a few on hit healing items plus 5 glass made you fucking invincible

But now it doesn't yet i keep seeing fags on multiplayer yelling at others for picking up certain items because it ruins "muh osp". They're usually captain or huntress and are the first to die.

Did you even have OSP? I thought the caution lines on the left side of the health bar was the indicator that you still had it.


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I really hope next character is melee. Ranged characters dont feel engaging to play anymore

Next character is bandit

what the easiest and fastest way to kill mithrix on monsoon without huntress? i dont think my "kite like a bitch and keep him poisoned" strat is working with acrid

I would suck hotpoos dicks if miner got added

>Start Teleporter
>Magma Worms spawn
>Instantly burrow up from the ground and launch me 200 miles from the teleporter and slam me onto the ground
>Make my way back
>they throw me into the air and then against the ground
>die to brass contraption

i don't know what they did to the physics in 1.0 but i do not like it

>hopoo did an interview with jooliegaming
>no skin purchases
>instead gatekeep items and characters under dlc
>insist it isnt gearbox pulling the strings
>finds it funny when 3dprinters drops your items off the cliff

so 1.0 shitting the bed is indeed hopoo's fault

Id actually be okay with this

doubt but same

>1.0 release adds more bugs than ever before
>missing logs despite 1.0
>missing survivor abilities despite 1.0
>missing ending despite 1.0
>miossing heretic items despite 1.0
>the hyped up new enemies only appear on the final stage, and barely
>Poll survivor is ultimately a boring bait and switch from the mentioned examples
>Mercenary was butchered, then glitched to death
>Final level is boring and bland, literally a straight white hallway
>Final boss is poorly designed, requires cheese strats with most characters and item stealing punishes you for playing the game right
>most of the items are still useless
>Tested on Drizzle
>character balance is awful, some like Artificer have been awful for ages, most are boring to play
>enemy design is shit, too much reliance on damage sponges for difficulty or off-screen one shots
>level design is in general worse than the first game, 3D environments look washed out, most newer levels are too big
>According to Hopoo himself, several stages were outsourced
>Half the Artifacts suck or are boring
>Console port during Early Access, prolonging updates and removing the option for smaller hotfixes
>Letting Gearbox interfere so much when not even Chucklefish did with 1
>Rather than fix anything Hopoo hides in his Discord of bootlickers to fuel his ego, who come here nearly every day to try to defend him for free
>only one more free update "as a gift" before all further content is paid DLC
>Stadia timed exclusive content

Attached: slurp.png (539x684, 758.92K)

Alright, but it's still fun.

Unless you like Merc

Attached: BeholdProvidence.png (1000x757, 80.24K)

still buying it day 1

Shit taste

merc got buffed, go back to watching Whoolie

dead game

fire elites and bosses says hi

"waaah you're not allowed to enjoy a game I don't!!!!"
Keep crying baby.

Fun game to mod. Really easy and a lot of great mods.
Including FemMod.

>t. doesn't play merc

i play merc all the time, fire elites are a problem sometimes

user, I love Risk of Rain 1/2. But 1.0 sucks, man. Even if you don't like Merc, this really doesn't feel like a release. It still feels like it's in Early Access.
I have no idea who Woolie is. Glad he got buffed though, did they release notes somewhere?