

Attached: This+re+like+a+stroke_eec838_7968519.jpg (900x1048, 117.73K)

OP is a faggot.
If I wanted to look at twitter posts I'd go to fucking twitter. No one wants you randomly posting shit without any input you double nigger.


getting deja-wii over here

Jesus fucking christ the naming convention for Xbox is absolutely retarded.


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Love how the Series Ass being a turd makes Xbox cucks so flustered.

I really be don't have a dog in this race but buying a Series S is a recipe for serious buyer's remorse. If you're in the first world I wouldn't even consider it if you're throwing you hat in with M$. I wish they hadn't even made it because it will do little more than hold the generation back. The Series X should come with an apology letter for even making the Series S

At least we have backwards compatibility.

what the fuck does any of this mean?

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It looks even worse now that the digital PS5 is only $399. I didn't think Sony would do that, I thought at most they'd go $50 less. They must be eating a hell of a loss on each one of those considering how little putting a disc drive in actually costs. You're only saving $100 by getting an (also digital only) system that's less than half as powerful, has a smaller hard drive, and will be guaranteed to have less exclusives.

How can a piece of writing be so poorly structured. What a fucking retard


It seems like a safe bet if you don't give a fuck and little Jimmy just wants whatever BR game is currently popular. This "next gen" is looking pretty stagnant already as it is

It means the 300 dollar version will run old games at the same level as the 7 year old console.

A2 =Xbox Series S
A1 = Xbox One S games
B= Xbox One X games
C = Xbox 360 games
A2 doesn’t run B, but it runs A1 and C.
But all of this is meaningless because it’s digital meaning that you can’t put your Xbone X game inside it, so the post ShitGN wrote is unnecessary, meaning they want to put more fuel into the console war by supporting Sony.
Common user it’s not that hard don’t go down to twitter level of stupidity

>Xbox Series S will not run enhanced versions of Backwards Compatible games
Is this a better sentence? Why are you all blaming MS when it's IGN who wrote that verbal diarrhea?

>B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT 4TFLOPS RDNA2 > 6TFLOPS GCN B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xbox responded it is fake

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Haha, thanks GameStop employee for the quick explana... huuuhhh, so anyway I hum... I'll take a PS5 thanks.

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Except it is wrong

Are the games going to be cheaper too since they’re worse versions?

>500gb for a digital only system
recipe for disaster

>1080 console can't into 4k
Imagine my shock

>Xbox series S will play Xbox One S version of backward compatible games
that confirms it you dolt.

That's right jay

>look at trailer for some games
>some mention Xbox Series S | X in the console list
>others, like DMC5 SE only mention Xbox Series X, even though we know they’re also gonna run on the Series S
>no standard on how to advertise games
>friend of mine asked if DMC5 SE is Series X only cause S wasn’t listed

Goodbye Xbox, say hello to the Wii U when you reach your resting place

>hi, I’d like to buy the latest Xbox please.
>which o-
>the $499 one, thanks.

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just pay anotehr $299.99 for 1 tb goy

S will run enhaced version, bu without 4k

DMC5? Who gives a flying shit about that game anymore? It's on Game Pass.

Which is the reason I'm buying a Series S btw. Fuck paying 80 euros per game

>It's on Game Pass
Wasn't it removed some weeks ago?