There's fucking debug cubes in it
thats the nail in the coffin
There's fucking debug cubes in it
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who cares. I'm still buying it.
Watch someone call it extra content.
>thats the nail in the coffin
>he wrote smugly, as 3D All-Stars continued to sell
why didnt nintendo just use dolphin?
You gave them a name? Looks normal to me.
Non-redditor here. Those cubes have no tangible affect on the actual gameplay and thus my enjoyment of the game, thus I don't see the problem. Plus it's more eye candy which isn't in the original.
Is the wobbly effect for distant objects intentional?
So those weren’t there in the original? I don’t remember. It’s not that big a deal.
>Redditor here. Those cubes have no tangible affect on the actual gameplay and thus my enjoyment of the game, thus I don't see the problem. Plus it's more eye candy which isn't in the original.
They were in the original.
The wobbly effect is a bit of an eyesore though.
>all that cope in this thread
Its just the proof that this game is half assed and a middle finger for the Mario franchise.
Not only they're not remakes, they're not ports.
Not only they're not ports, they're not emulated properly.
Not only they're not emulated properly, they're emulated poorly with glitches.
How low can it sinks ? Why are people defending it, outside of being a contrarian and getting a kick out of the confrontation ?
Why you soijak posters love bypassing filters?
No they weren't you gay retarded liberal
No they weren't
It's fucking trash, what the fuck is wrong with you, it's literally shitty roms for 60$. I'm not gonna deny that the games are good, they're really fucking good, but what the fuck is wrong with you, grow some integrity you fucking morons
I'm purchasing this remake for the sole purpose of making you cry. I might not even play them, because I already played them ages ago. You care about how I spend my money a little too much.
You're indirectly fucking me over by buying these games, as well as any other fan with a triple digit IQ and who doesn't have a cuckold fetish, you're making Nintendo think this shitty fucking behaviour is okay
I agree that the port is trash. The problem is that a wojak invalidates your opinion even if I agree with it.
Fuck it, I'll splooge a bit. I'm going to buy five copies.
Absolute state of modern nintensois
thats soulful as fuck though
makes it look even more out of this world
never played sunshine, what exactly is the problem here?
Please don't deface Yotsuba by posting her with your soi memes.
the first actual first party port on the switch
>I agree that the port is trash. The problem is that a wojak invalidates your opinion even if I agree with it.
At least it feels good to know that someone in this thread has a brain
Dolphin has the same bug
As long as you can still bing bing wahoo then its still a good mario game.
>Please don't deface Yotsuba by posting her with your soi memes.
They probably did use dolphin
seems soulful and kinopilled to me, whats the problem exactly?
>this is the game Zig Forums shilled for weeks
The most fun part of those sections was having to either plan ahead by watching the platforms, or deal with the chaotic "oho where are they going next?"
This just ruins the charm of those levels. Have they got a line showing you the arc you'll get chucked in too?
Impossible. Dolphin actually supports the GameCube adapter :)
This looks like one of those bad 3D Sonic games. How does Nintendo always get away with it?
lmao how is anyone defending this game? nintendo hasn't changed the game at all and is running it on an emulator with bugs in it
>A Bing Bing game sells regardless of quality
>More news at 11
Zig Forums didn't shill this game though
do you not see the debug cubes around the platforms?
What is a "debug cube"?
I'm "defending" it because reddit and discord hate it, as evidenced by all the wojaks ITT
Truthfully I think it's awful but I'm going to buy it to piss off reddit.
it's the small untextured cubes that the platforms move across.
you mean the SOUL cubes?
Your soul belongs in the cube
And what's the issue?
1 cubic unit of soul
could have stole code
it's a bug that was not in the original game, and is only seen when the game is emulated, it was first seen when the game was run on the dolphin emulator
the challenge of the star is getting from point A to point B. The debug cubes show you how the platforms move.
It eliminates the intended challenge of the stage and the very reason it was created for the player.
>Hasn't fixed Peach earrings glitch
>Mario face is fucked up in the FMV where Shadow Mario summons the robo Bowser
>Cut dialogue with Fludd since they refuse to get the voice actor back to do new lines
>Still uses Gamecube UI
>The warp pipe loading screen is now stretched instead of being a perfect spiral
>Opening animation now lags
>News feed isn't scaled properly for the 16:9
>Broken sound effect when doing a race with the Pinata racing guy
>Water texture is broken
>Fludd has inverted controls now
>Debug cubes in special stages
Not that user, but it just shows lack of polish. Even worse when it wasn't a problem with the original.
>i'm gonna spend 60 dollars to spite people who want me to save money, that'll totally teach them for caring about the quality of the things that are sold to us!
oops meant to reply to
AHAHAHAHAHA this happens in Dolphin too. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo illegally stole code from Dolphin because they're too retarded to write their own emulator, and thus copied its bugs as well.
And the best part of all is that for years this was Nintendies' go to example of why you should play the game on original hardware
> "Dolphin sux - just look at muh debug cubes lololol"
Can't wait to hear their excuse now.
They'll patch it
>spending sixty (60) American dollars on a collection of three roms in order to passively aggressively 'own' people who think it's a ripoff
A fool and his money...
They don't want me to save money. You're delusional. They want to jump over to the next TORtanic and cry and shitpost.
Truthfully, I make sure to purchase EVERYTHING I see a wojakposter complain about.
So just like in every other 3D Mario game ever? Are you ok, user? You seem to be seething way too hard.
i honestly doubt it, they will just release the emulated games and not change anything
Do we even want a Metroid Prime collection now?
the debug cubes weren't in the original game, they only appear if the games are emulated
Are you retarded?
Are these "debug cubes" or indicators for the direction that the rotating platforms go? They could've been added to the game to make the platforming easier