Well done faggots
CP2077 is shorter than Witcher 3's due to "tremendous" amounts of people not completing it
Good, I didn't complete the Witcher 3, I thought it was pretty shit desu.
Huh? The main quest was pretty good in length. Sidequests were mostly garbage though.
That's a man, baby.
Maybe fill your game with engaging gameplay and less bam ham vision then maybe people would finish your shit games.
>Making a “journalist” a character in your game
Why do they keep on doing this? They’ve got to know that it pissed people off.
Witcher 3 had an insane amount of content, it took me almost 200 hours to complete the main story and 400 until i was done with the base game. You can't expect the average faggot to dedicate that much time to a videogame, most people didn't even got past Gascoigne in Bloodborne
What kind of completing? 100%? Play through the main quest? In the end both are meaningless measures because they sold shitton of games anyway, no? Looks like CDR is slowly drifting towards the GameFreak way.
doesn't help that she has the most monotone voice ever as well as being uggo as fuck without her funbags
There is no way it took you 200 hours to complete the main story unless you were masturbating to npcs every 20 mins.
I'm not gonna complete CP2077 either :^)
witcher 3 story was short you didnt get to fight the wild hunt properly
>new shit game will be shorter than the last shit game
Well, at least it's an improvement of sorts.
look at this horse faced bitch lmao
You say that as if that isn't the default way to play.
Which included the devs, which is why so many people didn't bother completing their tripe either.
You got me there
Nice source. Seasoned this thread for you btw.
It took me about 40 hours to complete like 99% of the game, WTF were you doing for 160 hours faggot?
With that boring ass gameplay I'm amazed anyone finished it.
Main quest lines in open-world games suck ass and I tend to avoid them. The games are much better enjoyed just exploring and doing all the side shit. BotW seems to be the one open-world game that does the right thing of having no real main quest line and making the game entirely "side shit".
I'm sure a lot of people play the same way. It's not that people "didn't finish the game", they just played it the way wanted to and got what they wanted out of it.
Source? If you hard focused main story you could probably do it in 15-20, the problem was its a half-assed RPG so you had to do side quests to keep up. So the main story with travel times ended up being closer to 40.
If its any shorter people will just hard focus the main story once again and finish it in a day
Your mom
What's the name for the mental disorder where people love the company more when it spits them in the face?
If everyone completed it, would you make your next game longer? No? Imagine that. Lazy faggots.
I'll take Kojima games over this
atleast he's got taste
>fill the map with garbage and shitty 'follow the footprings with magic vision' quests.
>people get burned out on the game fast
>No source
And you incels believe it.
Quality over quantity. Not that it applies here though since all the good devs are long gone from CDPR and it's now filled with retarded sjws.
Yeah sure, this is the same type of bullshit excuses I expect from Bioware. What the fuck is CDPR doing?