Why has nobody ever made a video game based on the VSH gamemode from tf2...

Why has nobody ever made a video game based on the VSH gamemode from tf2? It would easily become large and very popular with streamers. Same goes for a game based on deathrun.

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Who was your favorite boss to play as? I loved the Christian brutal sniper mainly cuz of the theme

I have to say that the amateur fan voicing Hale had the right idea for the character, even if those recordings are low quality. Didn't like Valve's casting for him.

Pyrogas from Freak fortress 2 because titties

There are lots of games like VSH. They're usually called 'Juggernaut', though. Halo and CoD have had the gamemode for years - come to think of it, that's probably the most likely souce of inspiration for the VSH mode in the first place.

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It's always a gamemode in some video game and it's usually fan-made, but never its own thing

depends on if you're asking for vSH or FF2 bosses.
>CBS because of the bow
>Ghostface because of the whip
>Dead by Daylight
>Friday the 13.
do they count?

i find the galactic conquest in battlefront to be enjoyable, but there is no "standalone own thing" of it either, maybe because it's better as a side thing more than a main thing.


I've given it a lot of thought as to why, actually.
Ignoring the fact that these modes take advantage of a pre-existing playerbase, these modes work because the maps use Source SDK tools, which for all their flaws would be simpler to construct with than some new software for a new game. And if it used Source SDK tools, why not play them on a free game like TF2? The voicelines, animations and characters are already there.

However there would be advantages to making them a new game. VSH could have better hit detection and more animations if it wasn't just a reskin with altered health. DR maps could have a simplified map creator for greater variety. This creator could automatically adjust the amount of traps active depending on the player count to keep the experience fair. Finally, a standalone Zombie Escape game would simplify class roles and how shots stall or slow zombies. The Engie equivalent would just have mini-sentry and small wall buildings, the medic could build uber much faster and the scout would trade his speed for being unable to activate lifts and vehicles. It would take much effort to convert this into a decent game and I welcome anyone to try.

Because asymmetrical-only games are notoriously difficult to balance, and player enjoyment depends even more wildly on the enemy players' skill.

There's a reason why strongly asymmetric games don't have much staying power, if at all.

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Battlefront isn't even that good solo because the AI is so goddamn retarded just badly coded.
The space maps don't even work right in solo because the AI on the player's team is gimped and never defends.

They didn't get the same guy? That's a shame, he's the definitive Hale voice in my head.


They went with a professional actor I can't remember the name of but to me, he sounded suspiciously close to Demoman; a little too close in fact. Remember hating it because I'd heard the VSH interpretation of him first and thought that voice really fit his character from the comics.

Valve's casting of it just sounded like Demoman with a different accent and it didn't seem to fit his appearance.

one of, or the creator of TTT thought like that and made TTT standalone, he could've gotten ahead of the curve and made "the ship VR" and it would've been at least more novel.

in the end NOBODY is playing "the ship" and TTT grew in popularity again because of Pavlov/VR, TTT and many of these game modes are better because of so many user created maps and private servers to fuck around in.

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Why the fuck didn't they just cast the fan made Hale guy?

The thing is this looks absolutely godawful.

I fucking love this character sometimes.

> Classic VSH
CBS by a long shot.
> Freak Fortress
There are a billion different distributions of this, so either Alice or the Tank.

But the worst thing about it is that now that he's been cast officially, that could alter his character from his comic portrayal into something else entirely. That exact thing happened for the Administrator and Pauling.

They create a character with a distinct personality that isn't voiced, but then they cast someone for them, and then they modify the character to meld with their new VA's likeness.
That's why Pauling's character changed overtime up until Expiration Date when they casted Burch.

>the SHID

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I still play every day lol

for me it's demopan
a shame the ff2 server i play doesn't has him

Have they hardcoded house rules?
>Hale or player that keeps hiding
>(friendly) Hale

I was thinking about dying at the first second of 20 minute match being one of the counter points, but battleroyal games already have that.

a couple of anons tried making a standalone game of CivCraft, but that project failed and never came to be.

The server I play on has voteslay so if the hale goes friendly or someone is hiding somewhere or it's a spy that keeps running and dead ringing, you can just kill them and move on.

Because here are the ways such a scenario can and have played out:

>Make standalone version of mod, allow modded version to stay up
>People still flock to the mod anyway because it's free (DayZ, Deceit/TTT)

>Publish standalone, get rid of the mod to funnel them into your game
>Surprise, that's actually a huge dick move and now your target audience hates your guts and would rather go without the experience cold turkey than tolerate your jewish tricks (GMod Tower)

>Make FREE standalone version of a paid mod
>Bugmen/BRs/Russians everywhere (Dota)

The latter is the only case where the cost of production and net outcome is even remotely good-looking. There is no VSH standalone because the VSH mod works just fucking fine. Same with every other mod gamemode like ZE, Surf, Bhop, and so forth.

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Maybe it's just because she always interacts with Scout, but I always imagined Pauling with a Brooklyn accent so I was really disappointed it was just Ashley Burch doing Ashley Burch.

Speaking of such scenarios, I wonder sometimes what will be more popular - a specific DarkRP server with, for example, SCP setting and gamemode, running inside gmod or a standalone unchained version of a streamlined client for that server that you have to download and install? It seems like a conundrum to me, because I'm sure people will be willing to sit through an hour downloading shitty workshop content for a cluttered server rather than playing said gamemode through a dedicated client for some reason.

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'member how "auto chess" was supposed to be the next big thing and everyone and their grandma scrambled to create a standalone only for the fad do go away like a bad fart.



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