Are ya winnin', sons?

Are ya winnin', sons?

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>preordering a ps5
>preordering the digital edition

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The digital store has lots of sales often r-right?

t. Hasn’t bought it yet, but hates clutter and likes a minimalist house, but don’t want to get cucked by there never being sales on digital store

Yes because I'm getting two 3090s

>can't stand an extra half inch of console
>buys consoles the same way he buys furniture
You're not gonna get featured in architectural digest

Why would you buy a console early?

yeah, the store has a new sale every week

>Spending +$3,000 USD on cards that will be made obsolete in 18 months.

why not?

It does, but I expect the sales to get shittier and less frequent after digital edition comes out

Snagged from Walmart last night.

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>>Spending +$3,000 USD on cards that will be made obsolete in 18 months.

Versus a console that's already 4 years past its prime?

I’m not trying to be hip

I’m just autistic and have the opposite problem a hoarder has. I own like 10 items in total in my house.

I live a lifestyle where I could move at any moment and it wouldn’t be a big deal, because I keep barely anything.

Family have said my house looks like an insane asylum because there’s nothing in the house.

Why would you buy a digital edition for a generation where the games cost $70/80€ are you stupid?

What indie game will you play first with your new cards?

post pictures

It does but not always for the games you want.
Be on the save side and get the physical edition. The idiots that think they save $100 will regret it once the physical games get cheaper after some week/months and they have to buy it at full price on the store

digital games go on sale too

All the ones that ps5 won't have, duh

careful user, they can't understand that digital goes on sale just as often as physical, usually more often, and for cheaper a lot of the time, unless you're buying AAA dogshit like madden.

$399 + tip

Digital games go on sale because they have to compete with physical games. If you eventually phase out physical games your sales will get less frequent and with smaller discounts.

digital sales only go as low as the publisher and sony allow them to go. digital only means not being able to buy used physical games dirt cheap locally.

i went all digital with my PS4, Xbox One and Switch with no regrets.

>preordering taxes


>Go to my local store to buy Re2 remake
>It costs $20
>Go Check RE2 R on the PSN Store
>It costs $40 RIGHT NOW
>Oh no I have to wait for a sale to buy it for cheaper even tho I can get the physical edition for less cheaper RIGHT NOW.
Listen here you brainlet I never said it won’t go down but for the digital version you have to wait for a sale if you are unlucky while for physical you can go to the store and buy it right now.

>buying $3K hardware just for indies

>70$ games

no way, this hobby is too expensive for me now, I will switch to pirating on PC

Versus no games? Easy choice console fag

And a month ago RE2 R was $20 on sale, and was $30 on gamestop
things go on sale at different points.
oh and how about this
>want ancestors the humankind
>$20 on xbl
>$40 at gamestop RIGHT NOW
jesus christ fucking overpriced hogshit how can you STAND it user? How can you handle not ahving a game RIGHT NOW? How can you STAND IT? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Can’t be bothered

To give you an example of what I mean

My bedroom is just a bed - nothing else. When I mean nothing else, I mean nothing else.

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>ancestors the humankind
But I can user I can also buy it digital meaning I have to options to get a game cheaper while you have one.
Imagine being happy that you only have one option instead of two.
You really are a brainlet
Also GameStop? Really?
I don’t know about Burgerland but in my country they sell games cheaper at multiple stores that aren’t GameStop.