Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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It's not Mario 64 or Sunshine

the swimming controls are cumbersome
the camera is occasionally fucked
both fixed in Galaxy 2

I'm so angry Galaxy 2 isn't in 3D All-Stars

Unfortunately Galaxy 2 much like zoomers have no soul.

Wario isn't in it

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It's a Nintendo game

So when are we getting Super Mario Universe? It’s the next logical step from Land to World to Galaxy

Not a flaw when it's better than both.
I feel like calling minor nitpicks notable flaws is a stretch.

Wario isn't cool anymore. They changed his character from buff biker to smelly jew.

my least fav 3D mario, but i like the bowser fights & ost. the powerups are also more fun than mario 64's shitty powerups

>find a flaw
>user posts flaws
>"t-those arent really flaws though"

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spin jump removes all momentum, making mario feel like ass to control
roller coaster levels that have no good secrets to find

None, apart from wanting even more content I guess.

They're not though.
Mario feels fine and the spin jump compliments the level design. The "roller coaster levels" are akin to the vast majority of Mario games.

Not enough Rosalina

>They're not though.

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1080p upscalled, not native

No scene where Rosalina sits on my face and I take a big whiff

Flaws are notable blemishes that weaken an overall product. Nitpicks are minor negligible faults that may appear in the small moments but don't affect the product to any notable degree.

galaxy 2 is better because the obese purple luma is racist

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The controls on handheld mode suck ass. You have to take your right hand off the joycon and use your finger to collect star bits from a distance. Why can’t I just use my joycons like you do in docked mode? Such bullshit

>conflating port controls with game design

the star bit sound effect doesn't use the joy con speaker

I’m assuming he’s talking about the version that was just released today not the 13 year old original, and he said find a flaw. That’s a flaw. The controls suck

comet missions feel tacked on

purple coins

wake up, he was always a jew.

You are a retard

It needs a sequel

>he nevee played Mario Land 2

It's a mario game

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Forced wii-mote usage, terrible camera angles in some maps. All I really remember


Find a flaw with the game, not the handling of the port for a system it was never designed for.