Uh, hunter bros?

uh, hunter bros?

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Soulless vs Soul

Whats the point of this game? Been playing for 20 hours and I still don't know what I should be aiming for

Nintendo ALWAYS wins bayyyybeeeehhhh!

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left soul
right souless

its a singleplayer MMO with occasional co-op, just kill the same monsters over and over again until you get the armor and weapons you want

It's supposed to be 'kill monster to make weapons and armor out of it to use to kill bigger monster' but it really boils down to 'play slot machine for skill decorations'

Sonnyggers have certain aesthetic tastes, everyone knows that.

Anyone have the comp of all the waifu stuff that came out of yesterdays Nintendo direct?

>Ugly western girl vs ugly asian girl
They're both sub-par, and no one will ever be as beautiful as my waifu, the fish aficionado

Attractive women are forbidden by Sony, and MH is too big to go under the radar, so this should come as no surprise.

What is this, some new MH that's a Switch exclusive or something? I thought Capcom had stopped with the exclusivity, but after DMCV I shouldn't really be surprised.

mhw was meant to appeal to the west, simple

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How about having fun

Left soul right soul
Argument over, everyone saying otherwise can go fuck themselves.

the biggest waifu game from the direct was definitely rune factory 5

I miss her bros, if Ace Cadet can be the fucking MC rival in World, then the rest of the Ace crew have a chance to appear again right?

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>left appeals to west, right to japs
not roceckt science

Those censor lines crack me up

Doesn't Nintendo of America routinely censor outfits and such as well?

They did during the WiiU era, but they restructured Treehouse so they dont change stuff for localizations anymore

Is that the handler on right? MHW has serious handler and third fleet master.

Its hard to avoid exclusives when Nintendo can't keep up with current-gen consoles. I do hope the next-gen consoles get a game like Rise though, I miss the days where I could play on consoles and handheld

Get off this board, filth. We don’t have fun here.

>Nintendo can't keep up with current-gen consoles
If the rest of the competition is stronger than Nintendo then this really shouldn't be a problem. If it runs on a Switch then literally every other platform will run it even better. It's not like the opposite, trying to get the Crysis remake to run on a Switch, for example.
It's really because Capcom's retardation is a circle, and now that they're done being good guys it's time to go back to being Crapcom for a few years before people start openly hating them again and they "redeem" themselves.

>left appeals to west
But, does it?

You forgot this too.

Attached: monster hunter stories 2.jpg (2036x1083, 785.93K)

Starts casually flirting with you near end game.

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Luckily I see through them and think they're shit for not just developing Rise for every console so we can all have nice things

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Didn't exactly help my jungle fever...

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The wii u was released 10 years ago. Stop seething.

most accurate description.

monster hunter as a live service for the (((west))) vs mohan for the patrician.