ITT: Preorder Chads ONLY

poorfags who have to wait for the price to come down or who can only afford PC and no console have to go to lesser threads

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I finally got into the store and these fuckers don't even have the ps5 for preorder there.

> invite preorder only
> get invite
> sold out by the time they let me into the store

Fuck you Sony. Why the fuck did you invite way more than you have in stock?

based user

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That is one Salty Pedro.

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>Preorder Chads
More like Paypig Chuds, am I right guys?

Got my email invite from Sony, pre-order confirmed, free shipping for being a PS+ member
mfw fags seething

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>More like Paypig Chuds, am I right guys?

Why so mad? Hardware always cost money. Doesn't matter if it's ps, xbox, nintendo or PC.

Tho I suppose underage kiddies that uses their parent's credit card won't understand.

>Still buying new consoles at launch instead of waiting 6 months post-release.

You know full fucking well something inside that console is going to ship fucked. They'll discover a design flaw or faulty part that needs to get fixed in later shipments because they tried to cut costs the first time around, and then you're going to have to send your brick to Sony for repairs.
This happens every time Sony or Microsoft release a console.

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where are people even preordering from?
i dont see it available on amazon

It's sold out, I got it my launch day pre order the first hour at eb gams au

>You know full fucking well something inside that console is going to ship fucked.

This isn't microsoft. Stay mad.

Getting a 3090. Going to cost me 2000 without tax.

god, I hate simps so fucking much

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I got an invite from Playstation.

Attached: preorderinvite.jpg (768x796, 107.35K)

>paying to use your own online


So this is one of those "I desperately need to feel better about myself since no one is validating my purchase" kind of threads?

fuck you're right I'm gonna cancel my pre order

Companies are seriously sending out shills to peer pressure people into spending money. Pathetic.

OP was explicit that you poorfags have to post elsewhere

no this isn't a Mario All-stars thread

Try preordering it with Microsoft Edge. Browsers based on chromium are not loading the preorder page correctly.

>not even receipt
you didn't buy shit OP

>one game
>one controller

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>tfw managed to snag a pre-order on Target right when they went live
Wasn't able to get an RTX 3080 though. Was that considered a paper launch scam with no actual cards anywhere or how the fuck did that work? Did ANYONE get 3080 yesterday or today?

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>Preordering consoles at launch
>Not waiting for the library to expand past what's available at launch/what will be released past the console's first year of support
>Not waiting to see if the launch systems have any RROD/YLOD/Joycon Drift-tier problems that get fixed in revisions
>Not waiting for the inevitable price-cuts that these systems get 2+ years into their life span

Have you retards not learned anything from the 7th/8th gen console launches?

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>extra controller for a Sony console
literally for what purpose? do you just enjoy consooming that much?

Annoyed Antonio

Don't look at the previous gen launch, look at the mid-gen refresh launch. That shit was handled fine with no issues.

thinking of cancelling since the 3 games I plan on getting in the next few months can be played on PS4

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>PS5 Disc Version
>Spider-Man Miles Morales: Ultimate Launch Edition
>Demon's Souls
>have DMC5:SE pre-ordered for whenever it releases physically
Yeah, I'm thinking it's gamer time in November.

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ITT: consoomer-whores, corporate drones, bootlickers, paid shills create fomo and try to sell you their garbage hardware.
T.pc Chad

then i got this

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imagine not only preorder, but preordering a console so you can get it at launch and having a higher chance of getting a defective model.

It seems more like massive demand + no bot protection than it was a paper launch. People definitely got cards, particularly at brick and mortar.

No you fucker, I'm talking about how this shit is going to play out just like every console launch in the last 15 years

>Console comes out
>You buy one, MAYBE two games within the launch library (As shown by most people's preorders only including the Demons Souls remake)
>You finish that game
>You wait until more than 10 games are available for the system to play that aren't ports/enhanced versions of PS4 games

A console is not worth owning unless there are at LEAST 5-10 games worth owning on it that you can't get elsewhere.

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What do you need the camera for

>nigger spiderman

