Yes, it's coming to Steam.
inb4 Snoy cope itt
Bloodborne PC Beta Test
Other urls found in this thread:
w-where did you get this
my PC
what can you tell us about the port? i'm practically dying to know more about this shit. is it a remaster or just a normal port? what are the graphics settings like? or the controls?
Post the steam appID then.
>takes picture with phone
He using the ps4 stream app with steam dummy
explain the achievements
Basically it's got 60 fps, ultrawide support, and chromatic aberration toggle
>0 minutes current session
>is currently in the game
threadly reminder
give us proof, we can too into photoshop
local files edit
troll bait
Sorry man. Don't wanna get in trouble or anything. you're lucky i even shared this in the first place.
Fake. Bloodborne 2 isn't happening. All the others are true tough.
Bye, felicia.
non-steam games launched in steam don't have achievements though
>shop pic
>take pic of shopd pic
>thinks somehow this is gonna be more authentic
i mean, ok?
Between the OP's fake-ass photoshop and this shit fanfic tier nonsense, I am getting sick of these """RUMORS""". I don't want Bloodborne 2. There doesn't NEED to be a sequel and nobody who has an inkling of sense would either.
relative-time-niggers should be flogged and dragged through 20 miles of broken glass for every screencap they post
>armored core 6
Fuck all this souls shit. If ac is a possibility im wishing and hoping.
>armored core
thanks for making me dream
will never happen though
this is the year pcbros, after 5 years of waiting we're finally owning them son*ggers
this is totally it bros
pc always wins baybee
Holy shit, it's got 60 fps!?
Thanks for the deets bro, definitely habbening
Only PCopes that never played Bloodborne would invent rumors about a sequel for it coming out. It doesn't fucking need one, and wasn't set up for one.
nigger cant even screenshot LMAO
Clearly just the OP running a PS4 emu through steam.
>ps4 emu
fake, hang self
Or PS4 remote play
Hello r*ddit