Created orcs

>created orcs
>created elves
>created dwarves
Has there been any more influential author than Tolkien?

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Yeah, me

fuck off Martin, no you're not

creating fantasy settings requires zero talent

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>create racist caricatures to populate a fictitious world
>people oblivious to that fact ape your creations for over 100 years while "battling bigotry"

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He did not create elves. He simply redid their image instead of depicting them as either purified human ghosts waiting to be reborn through their blood relatives.

He is quite influential though and people mimic him way too much. H.P. Lovecraft is also up there as well as Homer (Illiad and Odyssey) and Ben Thorpe, writer of the English version of the Poetic Edda.

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>Ben Thorpe
>as influential as Homer

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Yep, Dorota Maslowska and RA Wilson

Retard, those mythical things existed before Tolkien.


Our Lord God, author of all

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Hags of age sperg out on twitter
invent more grief to make them bitter
claim now orcs are wholly based
on those by single mothers raised.

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They always existed user...

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>the hobbit was written 83 years ago

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Ripped of slavic and other pagan European mythologies

oh Lovecraft.


>created orcs
No, goblins existed before that (Tolkien uses orc and goblin interchangeably)
>created elves
Didn't create that either, only the modern interpretation of them
>created dwarves
I guess? Though I wouldn't be surprised if that's false as well


No he didn't. The only one Tolkien could claim any invention of is orcs, and even that is more so coining/renaming an extant archetype. His depictions of elves and dwarves were codifications not creations.

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>Green recalls that after Lewis had shared the opening chapters of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Tolkien, "who had disliked it intensely," Lewis then read it to Green. Shortly after, Tolkien saw Green and remarked, "I hear you've been reading Jack's [Lewis's] children's story. It really won't do, you know! I mean to say: 'Nymphs and their Ways, The Love-Life of a Faun'. Doesn't he know what he's talking about?" (qtd. in Green and Hooper 241). (1) Green provides no explanation of what Tolkien meant; however, this has not prevented critics from interpreting Tolkien's comment.

>Joe R. Christopher observes that Nymphs and their Ways is one of the books which appears on Mr. Tumnus's bookcase in Chapter II of The Lion. According to Christopher, Tolkien was bothered by this scene because Lewis was distorting and sentimentalizing the myth ("Narnian Exile" 41). He suggests, "[I]f Lucy had really met a faun--that is, a satyr--the result would have been a rape, not a tea party" (Christopher, C.S. Lewis 111). Hence, the reason Tolkien alludes to The Love-life of a Faun--a book that doesn't actually appear on Mr. Tumnus's bookcase but is absurd all the same. In short, Lewis failed to maintain the mythical archetype of fauns as lustful.

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orcs elves and dwarves aren't real mate

It does take creativity and hard work to come up with entire languages, and then create a setting and story to justify those languages existence

I saw a tentacle in a pond
And of that sight I was not fond
Oh no, a tentacle moved again
It's crazy, help me

Tolkien is pretty upfront about his inspirations from the medieval and ancient world. Looking back to the cornerstone works like The Iliad and The Odyssey you'll find the works that helped shape all of western literature.

Tolkien dwarves literally descend from seven dudes

>but NOOO you can't call my yummu fantasy writer a hack, he invented a FREAKING language

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is lit the most embarrassing board on the site

>ben thorpe
>being anything else than literally who outside of the Anglo world

fuck off

>In Germanic mythology, a dwarf is a human-shaped (usually bearded) entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting.

So no.

>dwarf is a human-shaped (usually bearded) entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting.

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Don't forget that he's also credited with inventing the title of "Dark Lord".
And his Dark Lord is still the standard by which all other Dark Lords are measured.

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Tolkien writes expositional drivel. Overrated as fuck.

LMAO fictioncucks actually think this
>uh these guys are called the globbywobbles
>and these are the hildenstak
>and theres a mcguffin that protects the realm
>but the vuldothu invaded!
Grow the fuck uo

>black fantasy is fucking trannies

No, he popularized it.

It came out 8 years ago, retard.

you don't know anything about Tolkien

nobody gives a fuck about the simpsons anymore

Tolkien, absolutely. He literally overwrote the way all of western civilization pictures the concepts of fantasy.

Imagine wasting your time making up a language no one in the real world will speak? What a lack of pussy does to a man

Creating modern fantasy settings requires no talent. Like 99% of these people just rip off DnD which, itself, ripped off Tolkien.
Tolkien himself though put lots of effort into his work. If you know anything about ancient European and Christian/IHebrew myths, you can see the degree to which he both knew and comprehended these works and incorporated them into his own writings

Who created sexable goblins?

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Tolkien had a son lol
also people have learned his fake languages, does that make them real?

you're saying this on a videogame forum


Elder Scrolls lore is neat if you don't worry about the parts that have been butchered for the sake of modern audiences.

More people have spoken Sindarin than Latin in the last hundred years.

It's not the native language of any nation, therefre it's irrelevant.

This is the right answer.