Howarts legacy

That's interesting, still buying howarts legacy

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Shut the fuck up, TERF.

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It types so much but says so little.

If I wanted to know what retardera thinks I would cut my dick off and register there you newfaggot, FUCK OFF WITH YOU NOT VIDYA FUCKING SHIT SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE

I wish Shiri just stayed as a boy desu



Did he chop his dick off or something?

I, a pirate chad, unironically consider buying this game.
I haven't bought a game in years.

what the fuck is a sacrosanct

But then she wouldn't be such a cutie. :3

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>JK Rowling said a thing, I’d better kill myself

Sounds like a personal problem

No, she still has her dick and it's fucking huge.

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I'm going to regret asking this, but what the fuck is a TERF?

>t. illiterate imbecile
It means "sacred".

A redpilled, but not based, woman.

someone who claims authority over the female gender

Except now they are going to fill this thing to brim with wokeness, and then no one will want it. Normal people don't want to play a Harry Potter game full of niggers and trannies, and woke folks won't play it because Rowling gets paid. It will flop.

Are these tranny retards so delusional to think that a franchise as grand as Harry Potter that is so hot with normalfags will EVER suffer any sort of losses just because the woman behind it said something that hurt their feelings?

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Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist

A feminist that does not think trannies are women.

>say trans women arent real women
>mentally ill freaks kill themselves over it
>somehow JK rowlings fault

So it's a feminist with a bit of reason and logic left in her.

It's a nazi fucking bigot that think women have things like "ovaries" and "vaginas". I hate them so much!

A feminist that thinks mentally ill men playing dress up should be considered as such

>We want the LOTR audience

Attached: Screenshot_20200918-151153_Brave.jpg (1440x823, 450.45K)

Well WB owns both LotR and HP licences

I know this thread will get shit canned but I have always wondered what a resetera user looks like behind the screen if anyone has the meetup pictures

yeah. They are LGBT with the T dropped.

>Owning rights for a literature published a millennia ago
America was a mistake. Burgeralism was a mistake

>Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
A feminist who sees transgender ideaology as being an attack on feminism. If anyone can claim to be women, then the idea of "womanhood" is something universal which is directly counter to the base premise of feminism which is that women have a unique experience and view of the world.

It is my understanding that TERFs themselves do not like to use this term. They refer to themselves as Biological Essentialists.

Feminist and LGBT are different. Lots of feminists love dick exclusively.


Get one for a friend too

I got into a discussion about this on Facebook with an acquaintance that was spouting this same shit. She tried to say "going into everything would take too long," but I pressed her for a reason as to why everyone was so upset. She linked J.K.'s public statement about it, and made some claim that J.K. said that people transition as a quick cure to gender dysphoria, but J.K. says in her own words that she acknowledges people with dysphoria grow out of it, and that she wants there to be a proper process for transitioning so people don't fuck up their bodies on a whim. The article these retards are passing around as a smoking gun as to why J.K. is awful doesn't even say what they say it says. It's like some retard got upset and their reason got messed up like a game of telephone.

Thank you for reading my blog, don't forget to preorder Hogwarts Legacy at Gamestop

this individual is going to be dead in 10 years tops.

Very proud of you for arguing about the opinions of a childrens book author on normalfag social media

the fuck is a terf?

must... buy... product... to own... the trannies...

Thanks dad, I've waited so long to hear you say that