How is it so fucking based despite clearly being rushed?

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The c word





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It's actually a game, unlikely nu Mario Odyssey which is just a fancy amusement park where you collect moons and look at the nice scenery.

>delfino plaza
>the soundtrack
>mario's movement
had it more more development time i think it would easily be the best mario game

That's mario galaxy

No no that's super Mario world

no thats SM3

I wish Nintendo would release all the older GBA ports of those games in the snes aspect ratio. All the rom hacks that I've found that either added the gba updates to the snes rom or snes ratio to the gba game. It always added crazy amounts of slow down not present in originally.

>what is Super Mario All Stars on the Nintendo Switch Online eshop


I dont have a switch. I should get one now that the new console gens are coming down the pipes. That's kinda cool they already did that then. I did not know that. I always was thinking like all these upgrades should just be standard but I know sometimes mario making noises not present in the originals pisses people off idk

It isn't. It's the biggest piece of shit in the trilogy



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anyone have the before and after jolly roger bay deepest lore pic

It's in the snes online app that you download for free with an online subscription.

zoomers first 3d jump n run


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I was so excited for Odyssey and I enjoyed it less than 3D Land. The worlds are uninspired, the game is brain dead easy.

That is the best mario game thou


You easily make those $20 by picking pennies off the street over the year.

its 24.99 here and we don't have pennies anymore

It isnt
You are just a Nintendo drone.

>satisfying movement mechanics

these two things together do a lot of heavy lifting. like, a whole lot. oh and yoshi's pretty cool too.

When this game was new it bummed me out quite a bit (lack of polish, clearly rushed and padded out), but it's easier for me to appreciate it now that there have been a slew of more fully-fleshed-out 3D Mario games in the meantime.

Enjoy your game made for 7 year olds.

enjoy soulless trash


It truly is and we never got another power up as useful as the feather cape again