Do you even care about this series anymore?
Do you even care about this series anymore?
more than I ever did before
i dont care about anything
No, Botw killed the series by becoming low effort open world garbage. Nintendo is worse than Sony and actively kills every single franchise with each new entry
Sure I do, the latest mainline game for both Mario and Zelda are the best in their franchises.
depends on what they do with BotW2 and whether it fixes the problems BotW1 had, but I already like the direction it seems to be going in based on the trailer
a new 2D Zelda that isn't a remake would be nice though
I always hated nindendy games and right now I'm figuring out how to filter threads like yours
>6 posters
>6 replies
Nintendo is dead. Instead of making good games they get rid of series identity and instead make the most casualized streamlined garbage to pander to normies. Now all of their games are instantly forgotten, BOTW now gets listed on every overrated game article which never happened to any other Zelda before. Every series they touch dies now
No, it's ubishit now. There's literally no difference between this and any other ubisoft game. Nintendies only like it because they haven't gotten to play current gen ubishit so this seems unique and fresh to them
This. People overrate it because it’s better than any other western game last generation. But it’s still a boring empty piece of shit with no redeeming value
>Im playing botw on pc 4K with mods to remove all the fog while maintaining 60fps and using a ds4 controller
Not even that can save this fucking boring game
BotW killed any hope for good Zelda game.
I despise nu-Nintendo and shitchlets who praised that open world trash.
BotW is the most effort a Zelda game got in 15 years.
yeah why wouldnt i?
botw is my favourite 3d zelda
albw is my favourite 2d zelda
they literally wont stop making good zelda games
>Empty Open World game with no story, characters, music, enemy variety, progression or dungeons
Nope it sucks
Objectively bad taste.
Literally a one-digit IQ take.
time to dilate you retarded tranny
Zelda was always open world you faggots, it was just done poorly until now because it couldn't decide whether it wanted to gate you or open up more.
Cope harder
I agree, 1 digit IQ. Try playing the game.
I actually liked Botw despite usually not liking open world games or Zelda, i'm personally glad they are moving away from the lttp formula and looking forward to seeing how they build on Botw.
Odyssey was a 7/10
This. At least Skyward Sword was honest about its linearity.
You don't have to lie about a game to dislike it.
Skyward sword was the best
put in the screencap
Have to disagree. Definitely enjoyed it alot more than most games
Of course I care about it, BOTW was the best entry since Ocarina.
If BotW2 has all the same problems as BotW, I will probably write off 3D Zelda entirely. And 2D Zelda is in all likelihood going to be in Remake Hell for the next decade, you just know they're making soulless Oracle of Ages/Seasons plastic reskins as we speak.
I'd like to believe that BotW2 will be a massive improvement because BotW was lacking in all the ways that a Fujibayashi-directed game usually excels in, i.e. dungeon content and item progression. So BotW's flaws were not 100% intended but rather a result of development having to prioritize some things over others, and top-down mandates.
Nah. Odyssey was everything I've wanted out of a Mario game for the past 20 years. Finally a true sequel to Mario 64 that doesn't feel only half finished.
Galaxy was fucking shit.
Pretty accurate.
First half is like 5-10, second half is 10/10.
>i'm personally glad they are moving away from the LoZ formula in a LoZ game
Lowest IQ post right now on this board.
I care about it now more than ever. Skyward Sword almost made me lose faith in the franchise but Breath of the Wild brought it back and had everything I'd been asking for for over a decade prior to its release.
>a new 2D Zelda that isn't a remake would be nice
As long as it didn't use the hideous playmobil aesthetic, I'd be down for a new 2D Zelda. ALBW was great despite being half remake.
In terms of the overall resources put in, you could maybe say that, but in terms of the actual content that came out the other end, absolutely not. The korok seeds and shrines are extremely low effort.
More than I thought I would at this point. I had a miserable time with Breath of the Wild on release, but you can see even in the DLC that they started to address some of the criticisms for the main game. I'm sad that we aren't getting any more games like OoT, MM, WW, TP, or SS, but early signs are indicating that the next game will actually have a story, so as long as they have a few more objective markers and a bit of dungeon variety, I'm willing to compromise with the new Breath of the Wild era gameplay.
Based and true.
The only Zelda games I like are the ones that don't copy lttp.
All Odyssey proved was that Mario 64 was a game you cannot make a sequel to. It's inferior to it and Galaxy in every possible measure. Cappy was the shittiest thing they've ever put in a Mario game.
I'm alright with them moving away from the LTTP formula, but I do wish they'd revive metroid so that those of us who enjoy that style of map design still have SOMETHING.
It will be a good game held back by a shitty hardware as always. Fuck nintendo.
Yes. Can't wait to play its prequel and sequel. I'm playing BotW now and I'm enjoying it. I'm having a hard time wanting to mess with the beasts and shrines, though. They aren't good dungeon replacements for me. I hope BotW 2 has actual dungeons.
>i only like shit
Based. Everything you said is true. All the seething nintendies are just seething because you speak the truth.
>Skyward Sword almost made me lose faith in the franchise but Breath of the Wild brought it back
It's completely oppose for me.
SS is the best 3D Zelda game and BotW is fuckin trash with 4 shitty dungeons.
Yes. Leave ALTTP's garbage formula in shitty Metroid games where it belongs.
Of course? Games are literally so good they tend to influence entire generations.
The new Monster Hunter game is clearly influenced by BotW, for example.
Galaxy's movement is so utterly shit that it ruins the entire game. To say nothing of the boring babby's first platformer level design. It's all visual flair with nothing genuinely creative in the gameplay.
Galaxy was a fucking disaster and so were all the games that followed it until 3DW when they finally managed to make decent levels again, albeit still with dogshit movement.
I was initially pretty hyped about BotW and then it really fell off a cliff after ~25 hours or so because it just started repeating itself. Hm.
But after seeing where the majority of video games are generally headed I now welcome any game that stands very nearly on fucking gameplay alone.
So yes I do, and I'll probably get this one too even if it doesn't have any thematically diverse larger dungeons again.
I can't tell if you're saying you only like the original and Adventure of Link, or only dislike Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds.
I don't believe you're being genuine. No one likes SS best. They might find the dungeons good, they might even be delusional enough to think the combat was good, but no one thinks it's the best in the series.
You realize that LoZ and AoL still had a lot of item progression and gating right? Not to the degree of later Zelda games but certainly way more than BotW.
>SS is the best 3D Zelda
Literally how? It's a complete snoozefest. The only good part of the game was Demise fight abd the pirate fight, which were kino. Everything else ranged from boring to just mind numbing.
>all the games that followed it until 3DW
That was literally one game though.