His games are pretty good, and a lot of them just ooze soul
Sonic the Goddamn Hedgehog
>1991-2004: Good and Soul
>2005-2010: Soul
>2010-Present: ...
Reign of Pontac and Graff
Just gonna leave this here
Proof that soul means shit.
>rush series
>not both good and soul
Those are the most decent games of that era but even they aren't as good as what came before.
Sonic Unleashed in 2008
Rush 2005, Rush Adventure 2007
2010s games are soulless and shit
Again, proving that soul means jack shit.
>1991-1994: Kino
>1998-2002: Flawed kino
>2003-2007: Garbage
>2008-2012: Flawed kino
>2013-Present: Garbage 2 Battle
This is better and less biased.
>Sonic Chronicles
>Sonic 4
>Flawed Kino
>Heroes and Advance 3
>not Flawed Kino
>Sa2 that low
Ur a retard for posting this and the maker is retarded for thinking it up
needs more soul
im too lazy to have good opinions
i also missed on a bunch of games or poorly remember some
Mania doesn't have the Sonic spirit?
It has remnants enough, but not enough that I can really feel Sonic emanating from it, you know? It's kind of in the middle where I'm not sure.
People are really jaded with nostalgia pandering or just comparing the fandom scene with Mania.
I don't really get this fanbase, but imo, anyone that still defends any game SEGA made at all is barely a fan to me anymore. Once you except only fan games is going to be some from of quality control out of an IP you love, you yourself become cynical with the games officially made, at least to me.
define the "Sonic Spirit"
Yes he said they were soul but not good and soul. Those games are all good.
It's hard to put into words, but I'll try to describe it. Sonic himself has this kind of aura around him, and when I play games or view media embedded with what I've dubbed the "Sonic Spirit", I can feel that aura. I know that this IS Sonic. I guess some would call it a brand of "soul", but its a specific feeling I only get from Sonic. It makes me feel and understand that Sonic is there. Sort of like a spiritual thing, maybe. I don't know how it works, but I can feel the Sonic Spirit. It FEELS like a Sonic game when I can feel it. Meanwhile with games like colors, its a fun game but it doesn't have Sonic's aura around it.
90s and early 2000s vocal Sonic tracks were the definition of soul.
SA2 just worsens SA1 in most gameplay aspects
>it's hard to put into words
it really is, but even with your explanation i know what you mean.
>Sonic stages are more linear, somersault is a superfluous move and only makes the spin dash annoying to activate
>treasure hunting had the radar borked just to artificially lengthen the game, some emerald shards are in really obnoxious locations that require tedious back and forth to get to
>mechs are more sluggish and shit at platforming compared to Gamma, just mindless blowing up shit by holding B instead of expanding on the timer gimmick that worked in Hot Shelter
Every single gameplay style is a downgrade from SA1.
The Sonic spirit is a (sometimes misguided) commitment to an original, amibtious vision. The Genesis games pushed the limits of platformers. The Dreamcast titles pushed what it meant to be a Sonic game. Unleashed strived for spectacle and graphical fidelity. While many of the game design decisions in these games were misplaced, the developers tried their best to create an experience that would bring something truly new to the series.
Sonic Colors is a surface level response to criticism without understanding the nuances of what it's trying to emulate. Generations, while fun, is unoriginal and also doesn't understand classic Sonic. The developers of Sonic Mania understand the series deeply but had to include unoriginal content.
When you think "the next Sonic game," what do you imagine? That is the Sonic spirit.
SA2 was more of a boost game than a SRB2 type game. They're fundamentally different. SA2 isn't my ideal Sonic game but it executed what it was trying to do right. Also had a great scoring system.
>The Sonic spirit is a (sometimes misguided) commitment to an original, amibtious vision. The Genesis games pushed the limits of platformers. The Dreamcast titles pushed what it meant to be a Sonic game. Unleashed strived for spectacle and graphical fidelity. While many of the game design decisions in these games were misplaced, the developers tried their best to create an experience that would bring something truly new to the series.
Ok, that I understand. I just wish that always = good game. I'm a gamer, and soul doesn't make games good, they just make them "new" I guess.
From looking at your tier list, your "Sonic Spirit" can maybe be classified by tone, writing, and maybe the staff working on the game. All the games put under "no Sonic Spirit" were all made post Colors, the game that changed the tone and style of writing of the series, where it went from sort of shonen anime, to saturday morning comedy cartoon, and had more western hands during development.