Sonic the Goddamn Hedgehog

His games are pretty good, and a lot of them just ooze soul

Attached: sonic tired.jpg (500x500, 128.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>1991-2004: Good and Soul
>2005-2010: Soul
>2010-Present: ...

Reign of Pontac and Graff

Just gonna leave this here

Attached: 99D1C13E-0AFA-45E2-BAF7-0984DA7CD8D3.jpg (1242x698, 667.19K)

Proof that soul means shit.

>rush series
>not both good and soul

Those are the most decent games of that era but even they aren't as good as what came before.

Sonic Unleashed in 2008
Rush 2005, Rush Adventure 2007

2010s games are soulless and shit

Again, proving that soul means jack shit.