Just because this game was amazing for its time doesn't make it the greatest of all time...

just because this game was amazing for its time doesn't make it the greatest of all time, it makes it the greatest FOR its time, SURELY there have been games that have come out since with better visual presentation, story, and gameplay.

So now I ask you, without any rose-tinted glasses. What is the greatest game of all time?

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Majora's Mask

Cope harder

Witcher 3. Or Crusader Kings 2. Maybe Portal.

Played over 400 games and every single AAA game from the last decade. Ocarina is still the best by quite alot. Only played 5 games that came close
>Panzer Dragoon Saga - Saturn
>Final Fantasy VI - SNES
>SoulCalibur - Dreamcast
>Digital Devil Saga 2 - PS2
>Resident Evil 4 - GameCube

Too bad, so sad. People shouldn't have been born in the 2000's. Anyone born after 1995 is not allowed an opinion on anything.

It was good for it's time, but I don't get how boomers state over and over how it's the best game ever. It isn't even the best in its own genre.

Because the contrarians that say this never have any legimate argument

It'a still an amazing game op. Heck I for one still play it and Majora's mask. It's still going down as one of the best games ever released whether you like it or not.

no one cares zoomie

Ocarina of Time 3DS.

I feel like the people who like Majora’s Mask is the same people who swear by Dark Souls 2. You’re just drawn towards filtered garbage. Let me guess, you like The Witcher 3 too?

it's not the greatest game of all time but it's the best 3D Zelda game

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"muh zoomie"

i didn't make this thread to be a contrarian, this is a legitmate concern of mine that we as gamers will never know what the ACTUAL greatest game of all time is because everyone just fucking clustered around OOT because some reviewers said it, it was on some websites top 10s and then everyone started to believe it NO WAY

if we met 10,000 kids that grew up in a jungle and didn't have any outside input or influence and gave them the general consensus top 100 games of all time i don't have any faith that OOT would remain #1

Ocarina Of Time 1.0

OOT is the GOAT and there is nothing you can do to change it while us boomies are still alive.
Cope & seethe

>we as gamers
Only an underage candy ass kid would ever unironically say shit like this. True "gamers" fucking cringe at the word gamer and don't like being referred to as one.

yeah well i like the game user

maybe if you werent such a fucking whore that spent all their time on reddit you wouldnt be so triggered, what the fuck else do you want me to say? the gaming community?

you're right, now BOTW is the greatest game of all time.

all third person zelda games are fucking shit.

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that's an incomplete list of the things that make oot good, and story probably doesn't belong because the story really doesn't stand out that much

oot is good because the developers were masters of setting the tone (or mood). every stage of the game has a unique feel to it that fits what you're doing. kokiri forest is energetic and childish, the deku tree is forboding, hyrule field is bold and adventurous. oot also does something really well that a lot of other games don't do: it uses CUTTING the music as a way to set tone. there are several points in the game where the music cuts and the sounds are used to convey the tone, whether it be lonely, suspenseful, terrifying, etc.

the gameplay in oot is pretty good, but it's not like there haven't been games that have done it better. the visuals in oot are a mixed bag over time; the graphics have obviously aged considerably, but the actual artstyle is still incredibly varied and potent. the story was never really something particularly incredible to begin with; it serviced the needs of the game and had some neat moments but it wasn't particularly great or anything.

oot is still relevant today because the devs were masters of making you feel a certain way while playing the game. there are other games that do this well, sure, but many of them learned some or all of their tricks from oot, and few have really advanced that technique in the way oot did.

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>there have been games that have come out since with better visual presentation, story, and gameplay
Such as?

Why do you care? How does this affect you?

I promise you'd still be the biggest faggot in the world even if whatever retarded The Last of Us-type game you think is the best were chosen instead

grand theft auto 4

zoom zoom

Fans of video games.
Video game hobbyists.

Take your pick.

Cope. OOT is the original zoomer game. LTTP is superior

Breath of the wild

in many ways i still think OoT is the best "directed" game of all time, in terms of establishing mood and setting

yeah, i'd agree with that

You can cope all you want, the reality is this

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