>level squish back to 60
>leveling overhaul
>new leveling dungeons
>new endgame dungeons
>crafting overhaul
Brothers, I'm getting hyped like I've not been since WotLK.
Convince me it's going to be another shitty expansion.
Level squish back to 60
I can’t
I’m saving to buy a new pc just to play
do you not own a pc? lmao. my 2009 cpu and a gtx1060 run this game on max settings
I just want to know if I have an affliction warlock that isn't gimped by fucking cast times
just play xiv
Why play that when you can play 14 which just had a good expansion? Why continue to torture yourself?
I checked DPS charts and Aff Warlock is on the top.
Funny thing, I've played arms warrior with Swifty's macros until quitting in Pandaria and had no fun with one click killing people... but had tons of fun with resto shaman. Guess I'll roll with it again.
I can't play eastern MMOs anymore user. I loved and lost my youth to Lineage 2 but can't take it anymore.
I'm nearly 30yo and don't have time for that level of grind, I'm casual
The dev team is arrogant and retarded
>mission table still exists
>time-gating covenant/soulbind switching
>putting in systems that won't exist after the expansion is over again
>the beta is still buggy
>can't balance the covenant abilities
>characters will get weaker while leveling again
>pvp scaling still exists
and do what? pve endgame? boring as shit my man, the pvp sucks in xiv
the pvp sucks in all mmos, go play a different genre
Man, you know FF14 is not grindy at all right? The producer openly admits that they don't want to design the game in a way that requires tons of hours to play. Only specific autistic content gets grindy, but all the meaningful content in the game can be experienced by only playing a couple hours a day. You will only fall behind if you just don't play. I have a full time job and I never feel like I don't have enough time to play.
This isn't like BDO or some other shitty asian MMO. It pretty much copies WoW but takes out the bullshit and leaves in the good shit. it's not perfect but I can promise you as a wow vet, its way better right now.
BDO, WoW, GW2 are some shining examples of MMOs with good pvp. Your weeb game sucks and I understand the nips could never compete in the first place.
wow pvp is actually dogshit and always has been
How many viewers does the xiv global feast tournament get? Oh that's right it doesn't exist because xiv's pvp is dogshit.
i don't care about xiv pvp
okay now make some points of why you posted your opinions instead of
>just play weeb simulator 14
Fuck no, faggot. You got to chop your dick off before they let you make a character. Hard pass.
PVE in MMOs just suck on principle, no matter how well designed it is. MMOs are at their best when you're working together with a group of people in almost perfect synchronicity to handle PVE mechanics. Zerg/gank shit just isn't fun because you're not being challenged by mechanics. The wildy in Runescape was only fun because of the risk, notice how it died after they removed that originally.
If I wanna play PVP I'll play a Moba or Strategy game
too bad there's STILL nothing to do at endgame besides raiding and I can't make a 3-4 day raid schedule with my job in the way
>PVE in MMOs just suck on principle
I can't pvp in wow anymore post wotlk. I dunno if it just got old or if I did it too much, but it's just not fun to me
go coom to your draenei futa porn and leave us alone.
>>new leveling dungeons
>>new endgame dungeons
how can you be excited for something that should be in any expansion?
only redditors want to make the lore a hugbox, please go back
Horde has Vulpera now and Vulpera are all gud bois so they are now good bois
>leveling dungeons
Like in Runescape? kek, blizz are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
that's not what the picture was advocating, retard
Based. This is why I picked the evil faction of literal monsters
>Mythic+ ilevel nerfs to appeal to heroic heroes
no thanks, skip expansion!
Despite being only 13% of the population, the Undead commit 51% of all Horde war crimes. Really makes you think.
I don't get it.
>level squish back to 60
wont matter, watch how it all goes to 120k unarmed white swings and +300 stamina in a month or two.
>leveling overhaul
pointless, leveling is pointless in this game when you can buy a boost.
>new leveling dungeons
randomized garbage.
>new endgame dungeons
randomized garbage
>crafting overhaul
basically crafting to make the same shit items like you got before , primary stat, stam and secondaries, except now you get to choose your primary stat i guess.
Its garbage, there is still like 20 currencies. The Maw is just Island expeditions. Torghast is just randomized dungeons like diablo 3, to farm legendaries like diablo 3, and craft legendary shit, like diablo 3.
as opposed to canon trannies in WoW and free gender change?