Black Souls

Hey Zig Forumsros, I am going to Alice. Ya'll want anything?

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So, I have like 130%+ stun resistance but the Odd Fish in Black Souls 2 still stuns me. How is this happening? Do ailments resistances not stack or follow a different formula?
Everything I try against this guy is failing. I can damage by percent like Jabber's scythe, I can somewhat survive with Bunker Shield for a while, but the moment he starts tripping me up is game over.

is this renaisssance art

Based on Michelangelo's painting probably. Got any tips for the Odd Fish?

if you didn't get Pinocchio tale yet, run past him, if you did, I never fought him so I can't help, soz

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Bro... blue board.

I'm too prideful for that. Lvl 1 CHADs beating the game force me to kill all bosses. Being lvl 400 and getting my ass kicked is driving me insane, if I could just deal with the stuns I could probably devise something
Understood gonna delet it

Don't tank it, go full evasion and requiem when necessary.

Oh he can be evaded! All previous bosses I fought were hitting through everything.


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what's the context for this image. Who would draw my wife in such pain?

Can someone tell me how the snowmen work? I thought I'd try connecting the words from the one by the river to the one next to bandersnatch but that doesn't work.
Also, what's up with pic related?

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user, there's a hidden door on your right.

wtf? I tried pressing on the places of the wall that seemed odd. I'll try again.

Alice is cute

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We're talking abot God fish right? That whale in the depths? Ye I was able to dodge everything, even his charge attack.

one Dodo please

I geared myself to about 70%+ evasion! It's working!
It's working!

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Thye're possibly semi-sentient messangers of the worst girl.

Can I get uhhhhh TCO's head please.

>leaf's ring in BS2
so what's the catch this time?

Dodo's gone extinct. Can I interest you in one Jubjub bird?

You need it to unlock ending G/F.

Spaced out text bypasses great one wordfilters. Just read the damn text.

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Dodo is cute.

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He used a ''Great Old One's Roar'' attack that hit through my boosted evasion, seemingly removed all my buffs took over half my life and then hit me again killing me.
He only used it on turns I buffed myself, I wonder if there is a condition to it? I'll try to just evade and do percent damage this time but holy fuck, what does this guy NOT have in his arsenal?

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That's it? I thought if you'd find some different pieces of texts it'd make a more comprehensive sentence. This one seems odd.

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That one is supposed to read weirdly, try again at 0 SEN.

>the Jack and Edith's movie
Maybe Jack was right

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Jack's only mistake was trying to kill us.

Maybe? Why would you ever doubt him.

Edith hands typed this post

Thanks. I thought I tried that, but it was only with the other snowman I guess.

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haha look at this dumb bird hop

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I used King's order many times and he didn't do anything. It could be random. Etiher way I had a spare ring of draconic blessing just in case.

>ring of draconic blessing
What does that do and where do I get it?

>What does that do
Free revives with a 75% chance of breaking the ring.
>and where do I get it?
Infinite Food.

Revives you but has a 75% chance to break. It may be chaos dungeon exclusive though.