Buy her game
Buy her game
I did years ago.
All those lengthy quests we scored
criss-crossed the sands for no reward
God, her feminine penis is so nice.
I will when it comes out on pc. Can't wait to see her hog in hd.
Looks like she shit her panties from the front.
Man that Todd Oyama doujin was some good shit
how would a footjob from her work?
I will
No. You didn't play her game. You played a fanfiction
>he doesn't know
I hope the remaster triggers more doujins where she fucks brother Nier in the ass.
why is her vagina so puffy?
Futa on female in the remaster?
Would you run away anons?
Cant wait for the shitty articles and threads about how Kanie is a tranny. Automata was a mistake
>some trannies write stupid articles
>remaking a game that doesn't need a remake instead of making something new
so tired of this shit bros
that's just her cock
The opposite
Does she have a dick in Replicant? I saw someone say she didn't
Futa on shota!
No its just going to be annoying to see retard making threads about it you dumb faggot
It sold like 500k and most automata secondaries haven't even heard of it.
>make woman
>call her a man
Why do japs do this?
Will we still be able to play as dad Nier in the remaster right?
But no one called her a man
So far, only Replicant's remaster has been announced. No word on Gestalt.
>dad Nier
Hell no, fuck that mutt garbage.
I'm ready to be mad again at another shitty localization for a yoko taro game
You already played as burgerman before. Let the west have the original protagonist for once
5usd dlc for the skin, user