Yuzu Emulator can now run better than switch

what the fuck happened

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that's how emulators are though

Other than Mario odyssey, what other games can it run?

Have they rolled Apollo into mainline yet? I’m tired of SMO sounding like shit.

How come loading shaders takes my PC an hour? Once it's done smash plays perfectly fine but it can't really take an hour to load 250mb or so of data right?

is this a joke thread

I have a 2070S, I tried xenoblade chronicles a while ago and it didn't run too good. Although I didn't look into i much. Is there some trick to getting games to run?

pokemon let's go
pokemon sword
link awakening
super Mario maker 2
Splatoon 2
Pokken Tournament

We always win

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So not everything, still worse than the switch then


can I play XC2 at 60 FPS yet

It can definitely run more than that. It's easier to list the games it cannot run.

Neat, which game do I pirate?


>still no pc2

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Have you tried it since the multicore update went mainline? That was the single most monumental change for my framerate, it more than doubled it in most cases. If you’re running a single 4.2GHz monster maybe it’s different for you.

all noteworthy games are multi-plat so you can play them already on pc

So you are saying it can run every game equally or better than the switch? If not, it's not better

they need to be compiled the first time and every time after you update your graphics card's drivers

other than that they should load faster

Shader encoding. Its not just loading the shaders, its "reverse engineering" the shaders to emulate them. There is no way to speed this quite yet, but its a work in progress.


the game is capped at 30, it doesn't matter how good my processor is if no one's made a 60 fps hack yet

last good pokemon was red/blue

Ah. Then I don’t know, that’s not really a yuzu thing, it’s a Xenoblade modding thing

I remember it used to run really well on a Ryzen 5 2600, but then it stopped. Always found that a bit odd.

PC 2 is Risc V, just wait.

Gen 2 was better than Gen 1 in literally every imaginable way.

Nah it had to redo every time I rebooted my pc.

So it's something that will improve eventually?

Anyone been able to play BotW on it?
link to the game file to play it on Yuzu?

It runs somewhat but it’s still better on CEMU.

passionate dedicated people > mega companies

is there any reason to emulate the switch version over the wii u version?

See The modding community is more developed for CEMU's as well.

>not xb2 in 4k 60 fps
i sleep


you genwunners are pathetic, gold/silver is better in every way

The Linkle one surprised me. I was expecting just a model swap, but being able to just walk right into the Gerudo town as I pleased was a neat touch.

>Switch Emulator
Christ, might as well make a utensil for a food that doesn't exist. There aren't any good games on The Switch that would be better off played on a PC.

Yuzu emulator can now run better than switch, fly, time travel , make you breakfast, make love to you, and tell funnier jokes than me


yes, I can't wait to play MP4 and Bayonetta 3 when they come out!

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IS there a way to load all the shaders prior to playing a game? That's what I found made it unplayable. Every 5 seconds it had to load a shader.

As an actual genwunner, G/S/C's biggest issue for me was the placements made no sense at times (i.e. Hondour in Kanto). Other than that, I have no beef with G/S/C, it my genwunning beef lies mostly in that to me, the amount of legendaries have gotten out of hand (over 10% of the entire dex are legendaries) and that the scaling has gotten a bit out of hand.

Like shit, I just wanna take my starter mon and go fight other animal enthusiasts and a rival who's either a friend/kinda friend/dick. Saving the Omniverse with PokeGod against a nihilistic madman is just a bit much for me.

Also being able to name the rival again would be nice.

Yes, in time.