Why tho? I completed the game and even plot seems to be cool on conceptual level.
Colton Torres
Really? What part did you not like user. What is your favourite metal gear
Gavin Baker
>favourite mission Any of the 'long ones' like the honey bee mission, the first sally encounter, etc. >favourite companion D-Horse literally carried me through the whole game for easy S ranks. >Afghan or Africa? Aghanistan had the better verticality, map-wise. Africa offers more freedom but savannas are fucking boring to look at. >favourite weapon The G44 modded with GL attatchment so it looks like the rifle from Aliens. >favourite tool/item to use Most throwable weapons and drugs.
>favourite mission metallic archaea because ludvig forssell is GOAT lol; seriously tho, it would have to be the subsistence, extreme and total stealth missions since they're just more challenging >fav companion dhorse for utility, quiet for cheesing and ddog for ddog. i pick ddog tho. also fuck the tripod walker thing >afghan or africa africa since i can punch children >favourite weapon sleeping dart sniper rifle. hitting neckshots is kino >favourite tool/item the emp thing which you can use to stop tanks and fulton them
Ayden Gomez
I went through the entire game without shooting a gun besides the tranq
Jacob Clark
How did you beat the destroy the tanks missions?
Gabriel Fisher
stick to the PROD PROD with the PROD
Christian Perez
skull suit with the invincibility serum thing and just run from tank to tank fultoning
Gavin Ward
that's easy you just run and fulton how did he beat the quarantine ward mission
Wyatt Ortiz
Meant to say any mission which doesn't bottleneck you into using launchers or anything. I don't think I killed a soldier the entire game
Parker Green
>story is a waste of time >liquid shit was stupid, every scene was stupid and YES I REMEMBER READING LORD OF FLIES AS WELL KOJIMA VERY COOL >YES I REMEMBER MANTIS AS WELL VERY COOL KOJIMA CAN YOU STOP SUCKING HIM OFF >Skullface >Ocelot was criminally boring and out of character >Miller chimpin out at everything was retarded >Quiet whole story is fucking beyond words >unlocking shit via menu instead of finding it in the world is boring >there is nothing to find in the world, you just find the menu unlocks >80% of unlocks are lethal weapons >nothing to see >nothing to hear >constant FUCKING advises that I've heard billion times "Boss it's the enemy chopper" >CHECK YOUR iDROID CHECK THAT iDROID BOSS >every audiolog is just a boring ass exposition spoken in monotones and monologues >constant sucking off of MGS3 is jarring, REMEMBER THE BOSS, REMEMBER VOLGIN, REMEMBER THE OCELOT SCENE >"Not Otacon" can go fuck himself >Venom is interesting in concept but extremely fucking boring during most cutscenes/conversations >can't experiment properly because everything goes on high alert for 10 billion years >Motherbase is just a cutscene dispenser, if you are lucky >titles literally spoiling the encounters, but only after you've chosen your loadout >menus, menus, FUCKING MENUS AND THEY ARE ALL SO POORLY ORGANIZED >area captured, but, like, not >that stupid fucking Cigar >the real Big Boss was the friends that we've made along the way And the game just drags on and on and on, and there is nothing interesting, and I've just stopped even trying to stealth, just pull up the guns and shoot everything on sight, and you are not even punished for it, I was still getting S ranks sometimes. I'm getting irrationally angry thinking about it. I didn't like 4, PW was alright, but 5 is just making me assblasted. Why the fuck do I have to crank the fucking hand? Why the fuck do I need a translator? Why do I need to wait RL hours for the crew missions? Chapter 3 was a lie all along.
>mission Either Pitch Black or OKB Zero >companion The horse >Afghan or Africa Africa has cooler places but I liked Afghanistan better over all >weapon I dont remember but there was a super powerful late game sniper rifle that could kill just about anything in 3 or less shots >tool The box >Favorite outfit The GZ sneaking suit
Noah Long
>favourite mission The one where you follow arms dealer and he leads you to target. If you just follow them around they traverse like half the map and evacuate via boat or something. >favourite companion Solo. >Afghan or Africa? Both are great. >favourite weapon Anti-material sniper rifle. >favourite tool/item to use I love no trace runs.
>unlocking shit via menu instead of finding it in the world is boring There are blueprints in enemy outposts, and you have to unlock them through 'menus' as it's your R&D team researching them. >there is nothing to find in the world, you just find the menu unlocks Unfortunately true, but it's still neat to explore as you're doing side ops. >80% of unlocks are lethal weapons There is a wide variety of non-lethal weapons/equipment
The rest I wont respond to as yeah the story could have been better, and the other things are subjective nit-picky arguements. MGSV is a fantastic game regardless
Adrian Thomas
>favorite mission The one where you trail the caravan woth the skulls unit inside that followed very closely by OKB0 >companion Dymond Dog but a fully levelled walker gear is so much fun >Afghanistan >fav weapon Riot Gun with a fuckoff big scope >fav tool the rocket fist
Jayden Lopez
>MGSV is a fantastic game regardless good for you, really, I just don't see it that way at all
Hudson Gomez
im loving desth stranding, (on episode 6 atm). with that being said, do you guys think i'll like mgs5 as well? death stranding is my entry to kojima's work (zoomer coomer yada yada) and so far, i'm pleased.
Evan James
My interest in video games never really recoverwd from this. Lord, what a disappointment.
Julian Harris
Death Stranding isn't half the game MGSV is. It's a nice trek but nothing compared to IMO the best stealth game ever made.
David Allen
If you haven’t played any MGS, don’t start with MGSV. Play them all in release order.
Isaac Williams
low test faggot kys
Levi Brooks
>favourite mission All the missions were so forgettable, I guess the Honeybee mission >favourite companion D-Walker, easy, there's nothing quite like sneaking up to a bunch of guys in a mech armed with a gatling gun >Afghan or Africa? The jungle portion of Africa, hands down, wish it was larger >favourite weapon Any sniper rifle, I loved the shit out of popping heads at extreme ranges to the point you had to pull the reticle off center to account for bullet drop >favourite tool/item to use ROCKETU PUNCHO
It's not a good game by any means, but it's fun to play on and off on occasion.
Dominic Murphy
>MGSV was a fantastic game
No, the framework and core gameplay system was fantastic. But it was wasted on a boring fucking lifeless empty open world.
They should've made it a series of GZ style missions.
Isaac Bennett
This is like the Breath of the Wild of the Metal Gear series for me, where it just disappointed me and I didn't enjoy playing it at all, but every other fan loves it for some reason and I just don't fucking get it.
Robert Davis
So tired of open worlds with nothing in them. Do we not have the technology to have buildings in open world? Why is verticality so rare? Anyways, favorite mission: the one you get to shoot your own soldiers in the head. Favorite companion is the dog and fuck everything else
Jace Bailey
Death Stranding is a much better game than the shitshow of MGSV.
Christopher Collins
>the best stealth game ever made. lol it's a fucking mess of a stealth game people are getting shelled by a tank 70 meters away and they don't know what's going on, but oh boy you better not sprint half a km away from an outpost
Jose Phillips
What could fans make out of this game if they got the source code?
Julian Mitchell
>mission They are all the same fucking shit, The litteral intro is the best mission in the game (Alternatively Ground Zeroes) >companion All trash and useless maybe DD >Afghan or Africa both barren wastelands that only differ because of their color, one is a greenish empty boring map other is a brownish empty and boring map >weapon fictional trash waepons that have barely any variety in the long run, I ended up using the tranq sniper all the fucking time >tool item The cigar, or the missile punch because its the only I remember ever using.
If you are a MGS fan and you liked that pathetic excuse of a video game you really need to have a nice and long think about your taste.
Owen Morris
>Favourite mission A Heroes Way, mission 3. Definitely the part where I realized I wasn't playing the generic shitty Kojima game and it was a fun stealth game >favourite companion Doggo for sending him to kill people >Afghan Seemed like it was built up more for stealth. Africa was too much "keep your distance and just don't get seen" instead of sneaking in bases >favourite weapon Riot SMG + Shield >favourite tool/item C4 for blowing up shit 300 feet yonder to distract the guards so I can get in
Matthew Morris
I might be a boomer for saying this, but Phantom Pain was the Delta Force of the last generation. When the game lets you tackle objectives in whichever way you want, it's a solid 9/10.
Cameron Anderson
Favorite mission is probably that quarantine one, the intro is fun, sehalanthropus, anything with SF.
Diamond dog is OP and I used him the most. Afghan is probably the best but I don't know. Really liked the paz side mission too.
Jack Jenkins
That depends on you. I'd say DS is better than anything from Kojima since MGS3, but the reason I hate 4 and V is entirely because I've played MGS in order. That being said, DS takes one idea and runs with it for better or worse, V is trying to be everything all at once and fails at everything as well.
Kevin Parker
MGSV's story, while rough around the edges in typical Kojima fashion, is absolute kino. Autists harp on it because a side plot was left unresolved due to the cut content and they didn't get their hamfisted timeline connections to earlier games like they were hoping for, they wanted you to meet Baby Sniper Wolf or play as Baby Solid Snake infiltrating Outer Heaven in the end so they could clap when they saw things they recognized
Benjamin Wilson
>>favourite mission Honeybee >>favourite companion Dog >>Afghan or Africa? Afghanistan had better base designs, should have been more shortcuts through the mountains though >>favourite weapon CQC >>favourite tool/item to use box
>The jungle portion of Africa, hands down, wish it was larger >All the pre-release gameplay trailers about the Africa section showed the jungle >Turns out it's a tiny corner of the map that's barely even used in the game.
Why the fuck did they do this? You spend most of the africa section driving around in a barren savanah.
Owen James
i havent played V yet but I cant imagine it being worse than 4. I've been trudging through it the last few weeks and it fucking sucks, this vamp fight makes me want to kill myself
Samuel Sullivan
I feel like I really missed out on a lot this game offers by playing through how I played MGS4, solely with the tranq gun/non-lethal where I can. I'll go full Demon Snake this time Most fun weapon to use?
Jackson Robinson
I loved doing the side missions of taking out an armed squad. Sneak in quietly and Fulton their tank after subduing the soldiers around it all without anyone seeing me. As the tank goes into the air
Joseph Morris
>MGSV's story, while rough around the edges in typical Kojima fashion, is absolute kino.
David Wright
To play off of your memories of MGS3
Christopher Ward
>>weapon fictional trash waepons that have barely any variety in the long run, I ended up using the tranq sniper all the fucking time Congrats on picking the most boring play style. No wonder you hated the game, making the whole outpost go to sleep from 500m away