>be europe
>have to pay 95$ for a single ps5 game
are they fucking nuts? there is no way people will blindly accept this
>be europe
>have to pay 95$ for a single ps5 game
are they fucking nuts? there is no way people will blindly accept this
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Paypiggies will. Gotta support muh billion dollar brand.
>be American
Why are they like this?
90% of people buy 3 games a year anyway
>be european
>have to pay with dollars
$70 + 8% sales tax = $75.60
$95 - 20% VAT = $76
yes he is buying a console
You don't know the dog like loyalty of the Playstation brand.
be me
wait to buy a console for three years then buy the good games when they're cheap.
Price is the same Euro shits don't understand EU taxes more
>dont buy PS5
>play on PC
>get every game dirt cheap at some keysite since theres infinitely more competition on PC
>spend less than PS5 even if you build a new PC by not paying for online and getting good deals everywhere
just dont fucking buy it. Sony is fucking you over
>no way
>ps drones not blindly buying everything thrown at them
pick one
>A value added tax that makes something cheaper
I don't think there is any fear of me over paying.
oh right. I forgot that Americans leave out the taxes when displaying the prices of things. So the prices are much the same.
VAT is included in EU prices. US sales tax is not included in US sticker prices as it varies state to state. The difference is purely European taxes being higher
American education
he means the vat is included in the euro price and the sales tax is not included in the mutt price.
Or you can just wait for PS5 games to be cheaper instead of buying everything on lunch
Yes they will.
Consoletards are stupid.
€80 is about $96. Euros are over paying no matter what way you slice it.
even adding the sales tax you cannot reach 95$ clean in ANY fuckin state retard
Where I live in europe many games on ps store are already 75 dollars, whereas in stores they're still 60. I rarely buy games at release though, so it shouldnt' affect me that much unless they become stingier with sales. So far it's been pretty good
Oh I forgot about that, nvm
Still his math is wrong.
Try adding the 20% VAT to the 76$ and see
We need the extra tax money to build new Mosques.
I'm not paying €80 with all the additonal monetization that will still be there, for a graphic upgrade to the same shit games. They need to make the games much much better.
NICE GOY keep pumping that money to israel
Who said they have to do that? It lists american dollars for america and euro for europe.
we need to build murals to black drug addicts. Which are considerably c
Using uk or eu account is a fucking rip off even now.
why is that?! the euro is worth more than the dollar
>there is no way people will blindly accept this
but they already did, don't underestimate power of consoomers
Considerably cheaper than a mosque. So our taxes are lower.