>Comes with easy - medium - hard difficulty
Comes with easy - medium - hard difficulty
I remember there was a thread on the Bungie.Net forums where someone was complaining about Mass Effect being too difficult and titled the thread "ME is hard"
they have to appease to everyone user, they cant afford to filter casuals
Summoning = Easy
>American company remaking a Japanese game
And now we all know better than to trust that shit
>pleases normies
>pleases journos
>pleases Zig Forums
>pleases autists
I don't see the problem
Keep the notes and bloodstains for everybody. But limit summoning/invading to your difficulty. Cannot change difficulty after starting a new save as well.
I don’t really care how anyone plays a game, as long as it doesn’t affect the way I do as well.
I’d try out a “hard mode” whatever that may be as I’ve played all the souls games enough. PC mods like randomizing items and bosses are a fresh take on the games and something they should look at for a potential “hard mode”
>the only game ps5 has is a remake of a ps3 game
Journos need to be able to finish it otherwise they give games a 5/10
>and that's a good thing
Is that so?
This. If you can't beat the game even with summoning then you have a bright future in game journalism ahead of you.
Demon souls isn't hard
Any game where you can level up isn't hard.
This is why Sekiro is the best souls game. You can't get around gitting gud.
trying too hard to cope there pc cuck subhuman ,why don't you fuck off back to whatever calladoody you waste your faggot lief on.
Hopefully not
explain how that's bad?
Casuals don't even know how the summoning system works
If they were casuals they wouldn't be playing in the first place...
These journalists are all retired already
You come across a shining summoning sign on the ground and get a button prompt to press A to summon
A casual is more likely to summon by accident if anything
When it was first released it was very challenging. The best part was experiencing it with everyone else online trying to figure everything out. It was a throwback they most people had forgotten about. In hindsight after years of solids games the gameplay isn’t as challenging as it once was. When it first came out it controlled strange compared to other third person games. Now were used to it.
review sites used to have at least one or two actual gamers on the payroll back then, the "hardcore" stuff would go them
That's where you're wrong, casuals always play what's "popular", which often leads to bitching about the difficulty on social media.
explain this then. even you faggots are getting filtered by this game.
>summoning buffs the enemies up and boss up
>if your summon dies, you're still stuck dealing with the buffed up enemies
>pleases normies
>pleases journos
This is a problem. Developers should not waste time and resources trying to please retards who can't get good
It's bad for discussing the game because players would have too different experience
Is this the official cover?
It's utter garbage
Almost like a repeat of the ps4. But no one remembers that.
its not hard because there's hundreds of games like it now
when it came out, nothing was like it
if anything most people went in playing it as a generic hack and slash when slowing down makes the game easier