Honest thoughts on spiderman miles morales? played the demo yet?

honest thoughts on spiderman miles morales? played the demo yet?

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shit for niggers

honestly, as a POC, I feel him. I can't say I didnt get misty eyed as well. come at me chuds, I dont care, I dont care.

Stop spamming this sad excuse of a hispanic. We don't want blacks mixing with us.

imagine pre-ordering ps5 for this nigger game

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I thought it was stupid during the latest gameplay trailer during the Snoy presentation they had like a gheto beat backing track while he was fighting the bad guys, why do they have to play that just because he's fucking black? That's like if a violin played everytime a white guy was on screen


I'd rather have a Spider-Man 2099 game over this boring fucker.

I was very unimpressed visually. Then it made sense when they announced it was on ps4 too.

So it's a quickly thrown together ps4 port masquerading as a next gen title.

because blacks are really boring creatures that are brainwashed to only like rap, basketball, or some other hobby/job associated with black culture.

>he look like me tho
>Heeeee looooook likened meet thoooooooo

now that's out of my system does the game play feel different since the last spiderman game? I kinda liked it. Is this just the same game in terms of gameplay with a mandatory costume swap?

>tfw not sure if I want to b8 Zig Forumstards or post about how niggers are apes
Fuck niggers and fuck Zig Forumstards

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Agreed. The fact that based Miguel keeps getting shafted for more Miles shit is inexcusable, since they could meet everyone in the middle if they used him more

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>thugs attack you
>you notice something black swinging from a web

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haha made me chuckle

Dogshit dlc , it looks like absolute crap and every move they should seems cinematic so where is the gameplay? Just get Marvel's Avengers the spidey dlc gonna own this miles crap.

This dude really is a fantasy cause a mexican would never marry a nigger

it looks like spiderman on PS4.

i dont know why im supposed to car about spiderman all of a sudden.
i like hulk more anyway.

Gonna be the weakest exclusive to date , just a glorified DLC but cows are gonna eat it up . I mean it's the only exclusive game they get this gen besides that decade old souls shit one.

Get Marvel's Avengers then.

It's going to win GOTY and there's nothing you bigots can do about it

I refuse to play games where the main character is a nigger

Lmao not in a million years

Why make Spiderman black? It makes 0 sense.

Why is his arm rotting

It has a darkie as the main character, so you already know my opinion on that.

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Is that Black Peter Parker BS?

>miles dad was a cop
That didn't age good.

I like the idea of spiderman being friends with Miles. I don't know how to make black friends, it's the only reference point I have.

Why the fuck did they turn his mom into Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

>Fuck niggers and fuck Zig Forumstards

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Why would someone pretend to be black on the internet?

I only watched the new trailer once but I don't understand, it looks like Miles has a minor speedforce or some shit when he can electricity sprint into enemies super fast and shock them. What is that?