Switch 2021

Kino is coming lads

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Kind of feeling like Metroid Prime 5 is going to be a bit of a diceroll.
First iteration was thrown out entirely. It isn't really inspiring confidence in me that it won't be a dumpster fire of random tiny gameplay elements like Odyssey and Breath of the Wild and will instead have a carefully crafted world that doesn't feel like a sandbox Nintendo told its employees to fill with toys.

excited for
>3D world (never played it + bowser's fury looks cool)
>Bayo 3 (I really hope it comes out in 2021, I'm tried of waiting 4+ years for this)
>SMT Nocturne (never played this but wanted to)

gunvolt 3 is 2022

So he's going to be in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?

Fire Emblem next year please

bayonetta 3 is vaporware, aonuma came out and said they need more time for BotW2 so not till 2022, metroid 5 doesn't exist

Nintendo knows what white men want
also based
fuck moviegames even the Nintendo ones

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Please show Retro Studios' and Monolith Soft's new IP, please

whatever new IP retro was making has been scrapped, likely the case for monolith's as well

doubt monoliths new ip has been scraped, unluke retro they have like 4 or 5 studios.

God no, it'll just be another rushed out fuckfest from Koei

it's been 3.5 years since their supposed aRPG started development with nothing shown, Takahashi recently stated MS wants to focus on xenoblade too

nothing show anything doesn't mean it was canceled. Though I dont have the energy to argue with you right now so ill just digress

>even-numbered years have been lackluster
>odd-numbered years are fucking amazing
it is written

they're not skipping Zelda's 35th anniversary


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anniversaries have rarely meant anything to nintendo

it meant enough this year to print money by dumping emulators and roms.

exactly, all they did was port shit with minimal effort

>bayonetta 3 is vaporware

SMTV went through a longer period of no news and its coming out next year.

>thinks SMT won't get delayed to 2022

Of course not, they’re going to port Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and call it a day.

>bayonetta 3 is vaporware
there's literally nothing to indicate actual issues with development
it is very clearly just a case of the game being announced early and they had make Astral Chain first
>aonuma came out and said they need more time for BotW2 so not till 2022
Aonuma saying they needed more time until the game was ready to show means nothing towards the game not coming out next year. They just felt the need to address the elephant in the room rather than leaving it hanging , or putting a Zelda trailer in a random youtube video instead of saving it for a big event like E3 or the Game Awards, or an actual Direct.

only brainlets even still own a Switch

I'm glad I bought a Switch.

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>Bayo 3
>Monhun Rise
2021 is gonna be a cool year to have a hacked Switch. I'll actually buy RF5 though because I don't want them to die again.

the emulators better be ready for this shit bitch

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Oh it took me a minute to get what that image was on about. Was wondering what the fuck else they'd put on a tombstone besides your real name. Then wondered why your parents would be deciding that since you'll ideally die after them. And then finally connected the dots.

how did it make you feel?

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Zelda delayed to 2022
NMH3 delayed to 2022
Metroid and Bayonetta MIA without a word

I guarantee it this 5 guarantees it too

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Just got it. That was pretty much the end of my experience with it.

Metroid 5? What? Am I retarded or was there no Metroid 4?

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Metroid Fusion was the fourth one

Gonna need a legend here, user.

Same, Idk wtf those stars mean.

damn the switch has a lot of good stuff in store
to be fair, the first iteration was a different studio altogether. Retro hasnt made a game that wasnt at least really good before

green circle - care
red star - don't care

i still dont get it. explain?