Microsoft holds the L

Even if the system is more powerful, it loads slower and has literally no exclusives. There's no reason to get sexbox at launch and everyone knows it

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh no no no no no this cant be happening sonybros the SSD was supposed to give us more flops

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>has literally no exclusives

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Xbox is for Americans.

Thank fuck no one is buying the digital only versions. All hope isn't lost yet.

I love how hard people sperged out about the ending of this show.

Where was this polled, a transgender forum?

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Yes? Are you implying that isnt correct?

lmao what a blowout, 100% the xbox's dreamcast

b-but I get to load into niggerman 5 seconds early!

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I am. Not going to buy any fucking disks anymore in the current year. I have also 0 (zero) psychical games on my Switch.

>muh teraflops
fuck off with those buzzwords, they mean nothing


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tech podcast who's fans actually know the series s is going to be kneecapping the entire generation on microsoft's side.
also your image is out of date

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Say it with me Zig Forums: Black Lives Matter!

Not familiar with cape shit, how did Spiderman became black?

inb4 the xbox preorders dont come anywhere near selling out

Seems like someone posted a link to this tweet on some Xbox forum and got them to all vote for Xbox since all the comments say PS5.

different character
interdimensional fuckery

They won't. You won't have any trouble getting an Xbox.

>since all the comments say PS5
No, this you average snoy niggers. They screech like wild baboon while eating shit. Nothing out of the ordinary.


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There is none.

So 46% of people will get SeX,
54% will get PS5

Implying this wasnt linked on too many fanboi forums, this is surprisingly good for Microsoft. And this is likely to change after launch when they start reviewing the console and realize the PS5 is a piece of overclocked shit

Yeah man, they faked 10000-15000 votes. Totally

Sony has the better IPs its no contest. I love my pc for strategy and Source games but I'd rather use a console for almost anything else. God of War, Final Fantasy, hopefully a return of Killzone and or Resistance series. I don't care at all for non-bungie Halo and I could just get gamepass on PC for the old ones.

It was blatantly brigaded.

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Xbox will never recover. It cannot secure the games like it did for the 360 anymore.

We did a poll on Zig Forums the other day and it was 50-50

Lol where is this from, most people say both console suck and upgrading isn’t worth it.

lol what?

>Series S will hold games back!
When will this meme end?
Delusional Snoys defend their 2.2GHz GPU and 2.0GHz CPU while claiming a system more powerful than an Xbox One X will hold games back

The cuckstation 5 has no games. Only consoymers are buying it.