>Cyberpunk has bad graph-
Cyberpunk has bad graph-
*Sips Drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need good combat mechanics
>it doesn't need to have futuristic elements
>it doesn't need to not turn random twitter users into characters
>it doesn't need to have no micro transactions
>it doesn't have to be longer than The Witcher 3
cope, deny, do whatever you want. Zig Forums is not buying cyberpunk 2077
you may cope now
you're holding out on me shazaam, I need the full dose
nice cut scenes you got there, now post the abysmal gameplay
The grpahics are not bad, they just aren't good. Especially with all the brown and muddy textures they decided to use.
The amount of blur in these screenshots...
>>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
Did they really get rid of this? Not that cutting everything else you said was alright, but this is literally the main draw of the tabletop.
Dude. You do realize none of those pictures are in game, right? You will never see that, the game is 1st person it doesn't have 3rd person cutscenes that show you the world. You see everything from V's eyes. an those pictures are full of photoshop.
Yeah, pic not related i guess
I have the Collector's edition of this preordered for PS4. How much you think I can sell it for? I wanna play it on PC.
Why do all the future cars consist of right angles and straight edges?
>Polish people build ugly fucking city
ya dont say..
Also Eurotrash gamedevs trying to do Satire about America... yawn
>cyberpunk game
>no driveable flying cars
Why not
Day 1 pirate will buy it on series X in time.
cyber truck
For fucks sake stop listening to the shazamfag
No it's still in the game
>Polish people build ugly fucking city
>ya dont say..
>Also Eurotrash gamedevs trying to do Satire about America... yawn
>falling for this shit
you niggas are retarded
>Devs can't use a freecam in their own game
Can you go be a faggot somewhere else?
The future is all about basic geometry don't you know?
comfy acid rain
>looks at pics
>pretty good
>watch trailers
>looks nothing like these pics
You fools just love to be gullible huh?
It has Nvidia Ansel though.
Nice try.