Disgaea 6

So what do people think about the switch to 3D?
I like it.

Attached: 1600356873072.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Not bad. Can't wait to emulate it and play on my tv in a higer def.


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Disappointed it's a switch exclusive, I'll pirate it I guess. Doesn't really look that good.

It has soul and doesn't look like they switched to it to be cheap, like king of fighters.

looks weird
I'll still play the game when its out on something I actually own, by then I hope there's an option to change the game to sprites

I think it captures the original feel of the sprites. Also very cute.

I'd like it if it wasn't ps2 level graphics.

Never played a Disgaea game, but those graphics look clean and cute

>Playing Disgaea for the grafics

You got beat up a lot in school, didn't you?

I just hope Tenpei Sato doesn't half-ass the OST like he did with 5. Fucker put all his best music in that witch game that bricked consoles, why. Why.

I genuinely think it looks good. 3D means more customization too so it's a good thing imo.

You keep making this argument but I don't understand it

I like how it kind of looks like everything is a papercraft.

The graphic are cute and funny

3D is easier (so cheaper) to make. This means devs can take more time to add custom stuff.

some characters don't work for me in 3D, most do

NIS is too broke for sprites, but they've at least got enough sense to try and keep the feel of the sprites in terms of proportions.

I like the bounce towards the end...

Attached: 72523-143.png (488x290, 172.35K)

Isn't it a nightmare to code, in comparison?

Looks good and with the ever increasing bullshit going on with the big attacks, it was about time

The late game moves on 5 can get jarring with seeing the 2d sprites turning in 1 frame when spinning and shit like that

Very cute, I like it.
I need to know if my boy is returning though.

Attached: rabbitfighter_img.png (235x319, 92.54K)

Labyrinth of refrain bricked consoles? Oh and if Dronya and Luca aren't playable in D6 I'm gonna fly to Japan and end the people responsible.

What's with NIS games and bricking consoles, didn't Disgaea D2 brick shit too

I don't know, to be honest. But seeing lots of anime and games going for cheap 3D nowadays makes it look like it's more profitable.

consoles can't handle da big numbers

If the 3D models stay only for the map then I'm totally ok with it, but if EVERYTHING will use these models including story bits, animation, menus, etc, then is the worst shit ever made.

They were so incompetent that they ran into performance issues just rendering fucking sprites. There's no chance this game will run well, and most likely battles will be significantly smaller than in previous entries.

I'm especially asking since I'm trying to make a game myself, and am still wondering if I should go 2D or low-poly 3D like this.

There's still 2D art in the game in menus and stuff.

Attached: ss_teaser04.jpg (1280x720, 592.66K)

Then I'm in, I mean, Disgaea have always used chibi versions of the characters for the maps/gameplay, for what it seems it will stay the same except that now the chibi 2D models will be chibi 3D.

I kinda like it

wrong witch game, it was Hundred Knight that bricked shit