Why are you buying a PS5 when you could buy me instead, user? You're unbelievable

Why are you buying a PS5 when you could buy me instead, user? You're unbelievable.

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Asuka is the best girl. Wanted to get that out before 404

Tits need to be fucked and a dick needs to be sucked.

who are you

Actually Sakura Suzuhara is actually best girl.

I'm wouldn't buy either anyway because they're both garbage.



Asuka tiddy

i saw this thread before and it made me horny...

Optional Typo is such a god, I wish I could get my art to look half as good as his.

Shinji momma

For me,
It's Ritsuko

fuck off whore, i only suck dick

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>he fell for le mature older woman (used goods) meme
if you werent such a weak man you could handle the best girl. sadly you need to be babied like a child by a woman who will always have rather had another man that got away.

Misato is best girl, would throw a crate of beer back with her any day

fuck off

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Reminder, the most evil character in Evangelion is Shinji's mother.

Oh, boobs. Cool.

What would it have actually taken for Asuka and Shinji to make things work? If you take them away from NERV could they have worked it out?

>be 14
>have qt gf
>get really into an anime called evangelion
>talk to gf about my favorite character asuka
>tell her she's just like asuka
>call her asuka sometimes
>she for some reason gets mad
>tell her she's just like asuka again
>she gets even madder and stop's talking to me
>weeks pass with very little contact
>invited to big party by an alpha who I had never talked to before
>try to call gf to invite her but she never responds
>go to the party anyway
>have a good time talking about eva and asuka
>everyone is laughing at my jokes and whatever else I say
>get a little worried when I realize I'm the only one talking
>I change the subject to something more normal and everything if fine for awhile
>late into the party I notice I haven't seen the alpha guy around
>ask about him
>"do you really wanna know, user?"
>"Let's go see him then"
>lead down the hallway to a closed door
>some guy opens the door
>see alpha guy fucking my gf
>his dick is alot bigger than my, it was like 3 and a half inches
>he looks at me and smiles
>she just giggles
>"is this something asuka would do?"
>to hurt and aroused to answer
>watch them for a little while before running away
>cry like a bitch
>constantly made fun of for being a cuck
>escape into anime
>turn 15
>find a website called 2chan
>become inspired to create my own 2chan
>call it… Zig Forums

misatofags are the fucking worse, not only they have shit old-hag tastes, they're pretentious about it.
Kill your fucking self.

m-m-muh waifu..

This. Blew my fucking mind when I first realized that Rei was actually an antagonist manipulated by Shinji's mom to help guide him into causing Instrumentality.

Who who
who who

Go back to being dead moot.

She looks like she gets fucked by black men

Asuka cucks seething

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>>she just giggles
>>"is this something asuka would do?"
Well. Is it?


Wait, what? I only watched EVA one time, did I miss something? Is there some other explanation somewhere because this thread is 5 mins from getting nuked.

Literally porn and the jannies do nothing, but i post something gay and immediate iP range ban even if it's not nsfw.

God I can't wait for all of you str8 trash to die.

Shut up you fanwank retard.

doesthis board have mods?

extremely based

god I hate NGE faggots so much

God I want to fuck moots waifu


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I hope i dont get ban

Imagine being a janitor with a good salary and don't report threads for mods in +10 minutes lmao

Watch. You'll get banned too for posting in an off-topic thread. Because our mods suck fat black dick.

this isnt nude mods there are tapes on the nipples

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Nigger Sneed

the only difference seperating this from the threads we have daily are the uncensored nipples

She looks like she fucks black men

Mods don’t care, post boobs!


At least post some real sexy woman.

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Asuka is built for BBC.

Imagine actually liking buttsluts like Misato.


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It's okay, there's no way we wi

what the fuck


lolis are fucking gross

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Imagine working for an anime meme nazi website and not even getting paid for it. Jannies truly are the scum of the earth. What you gonna do about it, tranny janny? Gonna go cry to the mod while your hot pocket is in the microwave? Fucking pathetic.

>that moment when she looks at the camera and realizes the internet will eventually fap to her

I think the bag ripped OP, the trash is leaking out all over

Cute and funny cute and funny I love cunny I LOVE CUNNY!!!


Asuka is a literally a whore that wants to fuck old men


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oh no

Eva is overrated garbage.

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Hips too small

is she okay?

hentai babe IRL getting a breast reduction

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She scars her son on purpose (by making him watch the "accident" where she gets absorbed by 01), she actively controls 01 from within and of course manipulated her husband from the beginning on the instrumentality knowing full well he was also a mess and very co-dependent on her, at the end she declares 01 was meant to be a symbol of humanity's existence in the universe which she still inhabits, basically she turns herself into a living god drifting through space.

Sex ahh sex

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True chads reminisce about Cowboy Bebop

Her back certainly isn’t.

Posting in based thread

I'm gonna cum


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From an objective standpoint Asuka is the most fuckable Eva girl. Rei is an abomination, a clone of used goods who herself is used goods. Misato is used goods and indulges in this fact. Akagi is being fucked by Shinjis dad. Maya is a lesbian. This leaves Asuka who has a prime, unused teenage body

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for me? it's ritsuko

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God I could need some sex rn

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Asians have a rogue gene that inflated their breasts to ridiculous levels. It doesn't stop at size BB either, it keeps them growing into old age.

Are you seriously telling me those are natural because if that's what you're telling me then you're seriously full of shit and also a faggot

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thanks Eddy


>not shinji's mom

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>i post something gay and immediate iP range ban
Sounds pretty based. Why are you back though?
enjoy your aids, faggot

New jannies working hard


Based ed boy

Wtf shortstacks are real?


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theyre natural macromastia or something its called where they dont stop growing after puberty

i mean i'm into submissive girls and collars and stuff but wtf

>any money


Pretty based if jannie let's the thread stay up

But isn't she like ten? What the fuck do they put in the water over there?

New jannies are based.

They’re not. They’re about to ban everyone who posts in this thread.

Gonna have to put the pooch down. You hate to see it.

this is the dumbest shit but my GOD i would nut inside her

How much do you cost?


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Everyone above me is banned

he's just fucking her. her dog performance is simply bad

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She's asian, they look like ten until the day they hit 40.

Jannies can’t ban

>when fucking your dog is not enough anymore so you become a dog


Wouldn't be my first time.

should i cum to asuka?

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guys I'm not sure this is video games

Sometimes I forget these are the race that conquered 80% of the world. It's certainly hard to tell sometimes

post the best girl from the last game you played

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haha video games

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You. Just. Know.

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Ok, whoever the janny on duty is, you're based

Are you implying being banned means anything? I unban myself everyday.

Women weren't involved in that, we kept them at home back in the good old days.

This thread is pretty BASED if I'm not mistaking


it's what happens when you stagnate and don't try to push forward for about 40-60 years

lmao @ janitors

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It's a doggy dog world, baby.

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>literally the best girl ever made
>stuck in a shitty numbers game regionlocked to Japan and managed by lazy, stupid devs
Literally what the fuck

that's just gross

Tight, perky ass.

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Guys don’t be too hard on the janny, 5:00 is her designated dilation time.


I want to emotionally abuse Asuka and gaslight her constantly, making her dependant on me and catering to my every whim to keep me from leaving her and having sex with her every night.


it seems that youve got some issues

That's Azur Lane though

>mother is the only one without dog ears

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My wife


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Do white people really?

god i want to suck on a female nipple so bad

They just hired new ones. Maybe a troll got in.

That would break me. Much rather stay a virgin than get cheated on. Hope you've found yourself a better female.

b-but who took the photo


New jannie doesn't care. Crashing this place with no survivors

How do you do that. Tell us

Wait I knew she was still in the eva but what makes her a god now? I thought it was someone else's plan to have the 01 be a symbol of humanity's existance after they all got melted

The advertisers can go get BLACKED.

this pic made me bust loads

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Isn't that Hibiki with oppai? What AL girl is it supposed to be then?

3dpd needs to be nuked

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Bets allowed
For me, this thread will die before 210 replies

Fuck off kike.

Yeah but it makes my dick hard

what is it with am*rican women and dogs?

Tu solo sabes.

It was Yui's.


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>that sad excuse of a """cunny"""
its like this artist never even saw one

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Yep. I'm thinking this new batch of jannies is pretty based.

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This is a perfect world

Why are her nipples out?

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USS Enterprise
She def doesn't look like Hibiki

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this thread lacks bestiality


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who knows

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>only the mom has no dog ears

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Through the modern day miracle of Architecture™ this misshapen body can be balanced and improved.

I remember user. I remember.

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>still no word on the final movie

I forgot what's even the numbering anymore 3.00,also mods must really have a thing for semi/busty red heads for the thread to still be up huh......

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Me on the right

Glad you're still around oldfriend.

Only if you want too see this thread 404'd

Sex please

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Wish Alke would draw more Asuka.

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but the mother does have dog ears
its yuri

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